
School and Aki

When Kosuke, Mai, and Sora began walking toward the gate it wasn't long before people started to point at them and whisper to their friends most likely having seen Kosuke in some form of media.

Kosuke was used to all the attention, it was normal when going out in public.

This also includes the hateful glares of 2nd years trying to hit on the newly arrived 1st years only for those same 1st years to have their attention drawn in by Kosuke.

Sora, as his dutiful maid, of course, made sure to take note of those same people directing hostility toward her master.

Kosuke on the other hand was taking note of all the students who were physically holding themselves back from running up and requesting an autograph.

Due to its prestige, it wasn't uncommon for celebrities or children of famous people to attend the school.

So of course rules would need to be set to keep those same students safe from people invading their privacy.

It was only to the extent of not requesting photos or autographs etc. The goal was to not cause alienation and it worked pretty well.

No one who worked their ass off to get into this school was going to blow it because of harassment, well almost no one.

As the three kept walking they were eventually met with what Kosuke would say was a familiar sight.

A second-year student was currently on his hands and knees while being looked down on by an extremely beautiful girl with navy blue hair tied in twin tails. Her eyebrows were raised as her blue eyes looked down upon the boy who looked like he just had his hopes and dreams destroyed.

Beside her stood another beautiful girl with light brown hair that went down to her shoulders. She also had a single braid running down the side of her head and two cream-colored clippings on both sides of her hair.

Her rested eyebrows and brown eyes showed no expression as she stared blankly at the cowering boy. Probably most noticeable about this girl was her extremely large assets that clearly didn't fit her body.

'Haa, I knew this would happen.' Kosuke internally sighed.

It wasn't the first time Aki had done this in fact it wasn't even uncommon. She has always been somewhat put off by confessions but wasn't overly rude and just said no. However, a year ago right after Kosuke brought up his intention of a harem she turned colder.

Every time she was confessed to she would break down every flaw that person had before, completely shattering that person's pride.

Usually, that person would be too ashamed and would just run away in tears. Other times that person in an attempt to reclaim that pride or just out of pure rage would try to attack her.

Of course, Yoshino was always there to protect her, and as if magic the next day that person would be expelled.


'This need's to stop.'

Kosuke knew it was mainly his fault as he caused the change in her, which is the reason he didn't say anything to her about it. He felt guilt.

Still, he had never fully given up on her or Sena but he was simply unsure of how to go about closing the distance.

"I'm guessing that's due to you?" Mai who was off to the side asked curiously.

She had met Aki before the whole confession and she was aware that she wasn't always like this.

"Yes. Yes, it is." Kosuke responded with yet another sigh before he started to walk closer.

As soon as Aki turned her sight away from the student and focused on Kosuke her frown turned depressing.

She stared at him for around 10 seconds before her normal frown returned and she turned and walked away followed by Yoshino.

Kosuke put on a helpless smile before continuing his walk to the building.

It wasn't long before he saw yet another familiar face being crowded around by a group of boys. She looked visibly irritated as could be seen by her shaking fist.

All that irritation disappeared however as she caught sight of Kosuke and pushed her way past the boys and dashed forward toward him.

With a large smile, the black hair purple-eyed girl who couldn't hold her excitement jumped up and gave Kosuke a big hug.

Kosuke even if not expecting her to do this still caught her although the momentum turned them 180 degrees.

When the hug ended the girl backed away a bit of redness on her cheek, a result of her previous actions.

The girl with a smile still plastered on her face leaned forward letting the sunlight reflect off her eyes as she spoke.

"Long time no see Suka."

Kosuke seeing the beautiful girl couldn't help but smile as well. "It hasn't been that long Zora."

The girl, "Zora" or Yozora stood up straight as she spoke again, "Maybe not."




Kosuke had kept his promise of visiting Yozora. He would go every other week to spend time with her sometimes taking her to movies or karaoke.

When Kosuke mentioned that he would be going to school closer to her she immediately took the chance and started studying like crazy to get into the same school.

Her parents rejected the offer initially because even if it wasn't too far, the train ride from Tokyo where she lived to Kanagawa was expensive.

It was at this point that Kosuke stepped up and introduced some cheap apartments near the school.

He would outright say that he would cover her rent and the like but he was sure that would be rejected.

In the end, it was decided that Yozora would get a job and pay for half the cost of rent and food expenses while her parents would cover the other half of rent and utility costs. All other miscellaneous expenses like entertainment would be on her.

Kosuke chose to ignore the fact that at that point it would be cheaper to just pay for the travel. It seemed her parents were genuinely surprised to see her so motivated and gave in.

The apartment they chose for her was only a short walk away from the school and an even shorter walk to Kosuke's apartment.

The rent was around 100,000 yen with utilities being around 25,000 yen, adding on the 35,000 yen for food the total came to around 160,000 yen a month, with Yozora having to pay 85,000 yen a month which was more than reasonable.

Throughout her last year of middle school, she balanced studying and her work at a local cafe.

Her hard work and sleepless nights paid off as she was accepted into the school and had enough money to cover the first three months while also installing the essentials into her apartment.




"So you gonna introduce me to your friend?" Mai who was off to the side spoke breaking the atmosphere. Yozora with a displeased expression turned her head to face Mai.

'She's hot, is this what he likes?'




Yozora had recently started to come to terms with her love for Kosuke. She had, unfortunately, put herself in the position of a bro, making it hard for Kosuke to see her as anything other than a best friend.

After she realized this she started to take care of her skin more and wore cuter outfits anytime he would come by to hang out.

She had caught him multiple times admiring her which made her think she was making progress.

She was still unaware of Kosuke's ambition and Kosuke himself was afraid of how she would react when he told her.




"She's Yozora, she is my childhood friend we used to live in the same neighborhood way back."

Kosuke started the introductions.

"Yozora this is Mai, she's also a childhood friend, and she worked together a lot in show biz and modeling."

"I thought I recognized you, it's nice to meet you." Yozora was the first to speak although her voice wasn't welcoming.

"It's nice to meet you as well." Mai put on a smile completely brushing off the pressure put off by Yozora.

"It's good to see you too Sora." Yozora gave a friendly smile to the emotionless girl to which she just gave a head nod. She had of course met Sora and was already used to her.

Soon while the group was talking a bell was heard signifying that it was time for the first day of school to officially begin.

They were to all report to the auditorium to receive a speech from the current student council president as well as go over the rules and other necessary information.

On the way, Kosuke caught sight of a few more people he recognized as well as the figure of Sena who seemed to have already made friends as she was walking down the hall gleefully talking to a group.

Soon enough all the students were sat down in the large auditorium as the principal began their speech. Kosuke paid attention in the start but then towards the end just dosed off staring off at the wooden chair in front of him.

Thankfully it didn't last long as after the tall blue hair blue eyed beauty that was the student council president finished her speech and made everyone sing the school anthem they were released.

Today only being the first day meant the only class would be homeroom in which they were all already told of their classes.

Kosuke was in class 1-A. Sora was also of course in his class as she was his attendant.

Yozora got put into class 1-B while Mai was in class 2-A.

As for Sena and Aki, they were both put into class 1-C.

Saying their goodbyes and promising to meet after school to celebrate the group broke apart as they went to their respective home rooms.

Kosuke ended up taking a seat in the back row toward the middle while Sora sat on his left.

On his right was a boy with blonde hair and dark blue slanted eyes that made him seem as if he was always glaring. He was currently nose-deep into the student handbook as his eyes were going super speed as if trying to remember everything written.

Recognizing who it was Kosuke decided to strike up a conversation.

"It's only the first day and you're already studying, that's some serious dedication."

Miyuki Shirogane hearing Kosuke's words room his eyes off his book before turning his head to Kosuke.

"Well yeah, I'm aiming for student council." Miyuki scratched his head with embarrassment. His eyes usually made people instinctually draw away new people so he was surprised he was being talked to this early.

"Well if you do get the role please don't make us recite that long speech every day, it's only the first day and I can already feel myself getting tired of it," Kosuke complained with an exaggerated tone.


"I'll note it down, your Kousuke Miyamura, right?" Miyuki couldn't help but chuckle in amusement at Kosuke's words.

"Yeah, just call me Kosuke no need for honorifics or anything like that." Kosuke stuck out his hand for a handshake.

Miyuki also extended his hand as he shook Kosuke's. "I'm Miyuki Shirogane, if you'd like just call me Miyuki."

"Nice to meet you Miyuki." Kosuke smiled before the two continued to talk about mundane topics.

Kosuke also took notice of a few girls trying to make conversation with Sora but all they got out of her were 3-word sentences.

Soon enough however a black-haired woman wearing a lab coat over a normal teacher uniform walked in with loud steps.

Taking a look around the classroom for a second she turned to the chalkboard before righting 'Shizuka Hiratsuka.' on the board.

"Alright, listen up and stop your yapping. My name is Shizuka Hiratsuka, and I will be your homeroom and modern Japanese teacher. If you have any questions I suggest you ask them now." Shizuka spoke with an audible tone.

"Yes, you with the manga."

"Are you single?" An overly confident high school boy asked with a grin, however, he was humbled very fast as he found a piece of chalk being thrown at him at what seemed like 1,000 mph.

When the chalk made impact the kid's head flew back as held it in pain.

"Avoid personal questions, if you ask something like that again you will be spending a nice time repenting after school," Shizuka spoke with a switching smile.

"So the answer is yes." A friend of the boy who just had his head nearly taken off muttered under his breath.

Unfortunately for him, that wasn't enough to keep him safe as he too found a piece of chalk pushing into his skull.

Homeroom continued with no one else being stupid enough to piss off Shizuka. After the Q&A session was over Shizuka started up a game to help the students get familiar with each other.

Through this Kosuke was able to clear up his doubts about some of the people in his class.

Soon enough homeroom was dismissed although the school was still open in case students wanted to use the time to get to know each other.

Kosuke and Sora stood, planning to meet the others as they planned.

"Bye, Miyuki." Kosuke waved goodbye to his new friend as he walked with Sora outside the classroom.

On the way to the exit, Kosuke caught a glimpse of Yoshino making her way upstairs.

'This might be the best time.'

Kosuke sighed before pulling out his phone and texting Mai to meet them at the restaurant they chose.

After that, he made his way to a nearby vending machine and bought a few bags of chips and some sweets.

Then he followed along the path Yoshino walked.




He and Sora eventually arrived at the rooftop, and slowly opened the door.

They were greeted by Aki and Yoshino. Aki froze stiff as soon as she heard the door open and she tried to hide all the food behind her while she sat up straight on the bench she was sitting on.

Yoshino on the other hand just stood beside her with the bag of bread behind her.

Aki upon seeing who it was sighed in relief before that relief turned into a complex expression and finally settled on a frown.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Aki spoke trying to keep her expression firm.

Kosuke didn't speak as he just held up some of the chips in his hand.

"What did you follow Yoshino up here, what are you a stalker?" Aki kept up her cold facade as she insulted Kosuke.

Kosuke just sighed ignoring all the insults before walking toward Aki to give her the snacks.

"Hmph, I don't need your handouts, Yoshino escort him out." Aki in a desperate measure tried to stop Kosuke from getting any closer.

Yoshino was about to follow her master's order that was until she felt Sora's gaze staring into her.

She immediately shuddered in fear remembering the last time she had tried to do something to Kosuke. It was a bad day for Yoshino a very bad day.

'Never again, never again.'

"Ugh, I'm sorry mistress." Yoshino shuddered again before retreating behind Aki.

"Useless," Aki spoke annoyed before turning her attention back to Kosuke who was still approaching her.

(AN: Gonna be some AU elements with Yoshino as Yoshino hated Aki for most of her life because of her cold nature. In this fic, she is devoted and loves Aki dearly.)

"Didn't you hear me I said I don't need-grumble." Just as Aki tried to refute again her stomach started to grumble loudly.

After a few seconds, her face turned completely red before she abruptly stood up and snatched the chips and sweets away from him before sitting back down.

"Fine, if you're going to be so persistent." Aki reluctantly said already devouring a bag of potato chips.

Kosuke with a smile continued to walk toward the bench as he observed the beautiful face of the girl he had grown to love.

Aki seeing him look at her like that felt a warm feeling go through her although she didn't let it show on her face.

"So why else are you here, or did you just want to give me food?" Aki asked turning her head away from him as she continued eating.

"I want to talk," Kosuke spoke honestly.

"Hah, what do you still think I'm in love with you or something. Sorry, all those feelings are gone now in fact they never existed in the first place." Aki spoke fast in a cold tone.

When she turned back around to look at him however she was instantly made to stay still as a wave of guilt rushed through her.

Kosuke was aware she was lying, but that didn't stop what she said from hurting.

Trying to replace the dark look on his face Kosuke crossed the last remaining distance to Aki before wrapping his arms around her.

Aki remained still, the guilt still affecting her.

"You have every right to be mad at me, I know what I said must have hurt. But, don't ever downplay our relationship like that. Ever." Kosuke whispered in her ear with a soft tone.

Aki couldn't even speak as she remained there in his arms. She didn't reciprocate the hug and only sat there with a sad look.

"That's not fair."

He heard her say before he felt something wet land on his shoulder.

Kosuke turned around looking straight into Sora's eyes. The girl immediately understood as she grabbed Yoshino's arms and went through the roof entrance to wait while they talked.

"It's not fair for you to be mad. I'm the one in pain." Aki continued crying and Kosuke moved away to hear her speak.

"It's not fair."

"It's not fair."

"It's not fair!"

She continued crying while repeating the same words although those words started to change meaning.

"Why can't you love only me, look at only me, see only me? Why can't it just be me?" Aki fell forward into his chest.

"I'm sorry." Those were the only words Kosuke could say. He couldn't give her what she wanted.

Aki kept crying in his chest for 10 whole minutes. During that time he had moved them from the bench and sat down with her on the concrete near the railing.

She still remained clinging to him even after her tears stopped.

She wanted to enjoy the moment spent inside his embrace, feeling his warmth, smelling his scent. She missed it more than she could possibly articulate.

"You know... After what you said about wanting a harem, I cried A LOT. Me and Sena both did. Initially, we blamed each other for what happened. That didn't last that long though as we both knew deep down none of it was true. After that, I started to look for someone else to blame, and I ended up using you. I blamed it on you, all of it on you."

"Your personality, your gentleness, your smile, your everything. I started to blame each part of you, but then I realized I was just listing off everything I love about you."

"My feelings were in a mess, I didn't know what to do. So I started trying to hate you. I tried to convince myself that I hated you and would move on and find someone better. But, it didn't work, as much as I looked, as much as I tried to convince myself, it didn't work."

"There is no one like you, no one can be you. No one can fill my heart with happiness as you do. I wanted no one but you. Still, I tried to convince myself otherwise but all it did was make me look at the other boys with disgust. That disgust started affecting the way I talk and I started ruthlessly rejecting everyone who even tried to ask me out."

"Eventually, I just couldn't even lie to myself anymore and all thoughts of you were just those of wanting to talk to you."

"But, you know how I am, I'm stubborn and unable to act on my emotions. That's when you showed up, right on time like you always do, haha."

Aki ranted on and on while Kosuke just listened somewhere along the way starting to run his hand through her hair.

"Hey, Kosuke?"


"If I did agree to join your harem, could it be just me and Sena?"


"Could you love me most, and put me above the rest?" Aki continued speaking as if she had already made a decision.

"Will you ever give up on me?"


"What if I fell out of love?"

"I would make you fall again."

Their back and forth continued. Even if Kosuke was openly saying that she and Sena weren't going to be the only ones and that he couldn't even promise to love her most her tone still remained the same.

That tone as if she had finally found...no accepted her decision never wavered.

"You know what your doing is extremely selfish right?"

"I know, I will make all my girls happy."

"Sigh, how can you even promise that?"

Aki's last question was rhetorical and Kosuke knew it.



"I love you."

"I love you too."

Those were her final words before she decided on her next action and stood up getting out of his embrace.

She then turned around so she was facing him before jumping right back on top of him and wrapping her arms around his neck.

She then brought her face close and with passion stole his lips.

The kiss wasn't sexual, it was pure and showed Aki's, boundless love. It lasted for around 30 seconds before she backed away from it although her arms remained locked around his neck.

"I-I will give it a try. I'm going to make a meeting with Sena I'm sure she has been wanting to meet you too." Aki spoke with her face blushed red.

Kosuke smiled wider than he ever had before, before closing the distance between their faces again and this time being the one to take those beautiful cherry-colored lips.

Around a minute later Aki pushed him away before standing up, her face was completely red.

"Ok, Ok God, I get it you love me. Just, let me think for a bit." Aki spoke as she pushed Kosuke to the roof entrance.

Just before he left the roof completely Kosuke whispered one more time in her ear. "I love you, Aki."

Just as he did the door was shut and Aki was left alone on the rooftop.

"Hehe." She couldn't help but laugh giddily as she squirmed in excitement.

Unfortunately, her stomach didn't seem to care as it yet again started growling leading Aki to walk over to the food and begin devouring it.




With joyful steps, Kosuke made his way down the stairs.

He had gotten one step closer to Aki and now all he needed to do was show that he could indeed make her happy.

Near the bottom of the stairs, Sora and Yoshino stood together, and when Yoshino saw Kosuke she couldn't help but frown.




After Aki started to distance herself and Yoshino found out why she tried her best to break the two apart for good.

She loved her mistress and the fact that someone caused her to cry the way she did was unforgivable.

She had dressed up to look exactly like her before making her way to Kosuke's house.

She had planned to say something like "I hate you" or "never talk to me again". Unfortunately, her plans were seen through by Sora who intercepted her along the way.

What followed afterward was something Yoshino never wanted to think about again.

Seeing the frown on Yoshino, Kosuke couldn't help but sigh before muttering. "What happened to the Yoshino that used to play with all of us?"

"She died," Yoshino spoke simply before making her way back upstairs to once again return to her mistress's side.

Sora who the whole time had been staring at Kosuke couldn't help but raise the corners of her lip 1 centimeter.

Kosuke seeing this patted her head, "It's already been around 20 minutes let's get going." Kosuke spoke before starting to walk to the exit.




The place they arrived at was a family restaurant and when they walked inside they were waved over by Mai and Yozora who seemed to be talking to a dark pink-haired girl.

She seemed to be very excited and that excitement doubled when she saw who Mai was waving to.

Kosuke took a seat next to Yozora with Sora sitting next to him.

"Wow, I can't believe two of my favorite actors actually go to the same school as me, ah sorry I don't mean to fangirl so hard, but you know." The girl whose pink eyes seemed to shine spoke frantically.

"Don't worry about it, it's fine. I'm more surprised that you working right after school." Kosuke dismissed her worries, seeing her in a waitress uniform.

"Ah, well it's good to be active." The girl whose name tag read Minori Kushieda spoke although Kosuke could tell those words weren't the real reason.

'Everyone has their circumstances I guess.'

"Ah, right. Orders. Get it together Minori. So what would you like to order?" Minori tried to get back into work mode although her eyes still sparkled when looking at Kosuke.

The group's orders were all taken down by Minori before she saluted and quickly made her way to the back.

(AN: If you couldn't tell already, some things will be changed because of Kosuke's plot armor."

It wasn't long before Minori brought out the food.

"Just between us, I gave you more french fries," Minori whispered as if it was a top-class secret.

"Thanks." Kosuke followed along also whispering. Following that Minori was called over by other customers leaving the three to talk while enjoying their meal.

Time passed and the group decided to go back to Kosuke's place as the restaurant was getting too loud.

Kosuke paid for the meal, saying he did make them wait.

Minori just before they left asked for an autograph from the two. They weren't currently in school so there was nothing wrong with it and Kosuke and Mai happily obliged.

They were yet again interrupted however as just before they reached the exit, the doors were opened and a group of 7 walked in.

"WOAHH isn't that Kosuke Miyamura and Mai Sakurajima?" The one who spoke had bleached hair and gray eyes.

"They even go to our school. This is so cool right Hayama?" The student whose name is Kakeru Tobe spoke with excitement.

"Yeah, really cool," Hayama spoke with a fake smile.

"I'm a huge fan-Woah." Tobe dashed forward probably trying to give Kosuke a handshake but unfortunately, his actions were too sudden. Sora stepped forward and knocked him to the ground, her normally emotionless gaze turning cold.

"Sora, it's fine. He's just trying to be friendly." Kosuke stepped up moving Sora out of the way before helping Tobe up.

"Woah, I've never been flipped like that before. Your one strong girl." Instead of the anger, he expected Tobe just laughed it off.

"I'm sorry about him, he isn't very good with personal space." Hayama stepped up apologizing for his friend.

"Not a problem." Kosuke dismissed.

Kosuke seeing the gaze of everyone in the restaurant on him just sighed.

"Well, we'll get going see you at school."

With that, the three left the restaurant.

"Ugh, stupid riajuu's." Yozora who was the definition of anti-social cursed the group.

"I take that to mean you haven't made any other friends yet?" Kosuke questioned with a chuckle.

"I don't see any need, I have you and Sora that's plenty," Yozora spoke with stubbornness.


"At least give it a try." Kosuke patted her head.

"Maybe." That was all she could say as her face turned increasingly red.

Soon enough the group arrived at the apartment.

"Wait, now that I think about it when did you have time to unpack?" At the last moment, Mai questioned but she was immediately answered as the door to the room opened and they were greeted with the sight of a mostly empty room with boxes lining the wall.

"You planned to trick us into helping you unpack," Yozora spoke with a blank look.

"Haha." Kosuke just scratched the back of his head.


"Fine, let's get this over with."




It took 6 whole hours to unpack and completely furnish the apartment and by the time they finished, it was already 7:00 pm.

The group was now sitting down on the couch in the living room while playing a few board games.

Mai and Yozora we're pretty exhausted from the process and we're both preparing to leave for the night.


"Let's continue this tomorrow, I am drained." Mai was the first to stand up and call quits.

"Agreed," Yozora spoke also sighing and standing up.




Kosuke and Sora spent time walking Yozora home as they idly chatted.

When they returned they immediately made their way to the bath following their usual routine.

Afterward, Kosuke sat on the couch watching some late-night TV blankly before Sora joined him.

This was Kosuke's favorite part of the day, where Sora would try to tempt him but not openly say what she wanted.

At first, she sat on the opposite side of the couch sending him glances.

Then she, seeing that it wasn't working, moved closer to him until she was directly laying on his arm.

Still, she didn't get a reaction and so she moved her head from his arm to his lap where she rested her head directly on his manhood.

Alas, he was still blankly staring at the TV, so she opted for the next part. Slowly she started fanning herself as if she was hot, then she slowly started taking off the shorts she was wearing followed by the tank top, leaving her in only her underwear.

At this point, she was starting to get frustrated as her stoic face turned into a visible frown.

She got up and sexily and slowly walked past his vision going toward the kitchen to get a glass of water.

When she returned she hoped that he would be paying his full attention to her, but he still wasn't.

Her frown got deeper as she straddled him with her back facing his chest.

She then brought his right hand down to her panties as she used it to stimulate herself. All the while she kept her heated gaze locked on Kosuke.

Seeing how he still wasn't reacting she just gave up as she whispered.

"Master, please."

That was all he needed to hear as instantly his vision turned to Sora and moments later all their clothes were already on the floor.

Kosuke kept her on top as he penetrated her cave. Instantly, her normally emotionless face turned to that of one experiencing the greatest pleasure imaginable.

This was Kosuke's favorite part of the day, seeing his normally stoic maid melt in his hands.

Maybe it was the fact that they were all alone in that apartment but their passionate embrace didn't end until 4 hours later when Kosuke had to forcefully end it.

Now the two were on his bed with Sora laying on his chest her blissful expression still present.

"I Iove you, master." Those were Sora's last words before she succumbed to her exhaustion.

Kosuke just kissed her forehead before he also joined her in the world of dreams.


(AN: I felt like writing this. I'm sure most of you can guess the anime most of the characters I introduced are from, so leave suggestions for harem. I'll say this now there are some heroines that I just simply won't include, like Taiga from Toradora.
