
Chapter 31: The Al'Vidar's Library

Vix staggered slightly as she stepped onto the purple carpet of the library. Immediately, she looked behind.

There was nothing at all behind her. The door through which she had come had disappeared. Her heart constricted with panic.

But then Vix caught sight of the string trailing from her waist. The bit of thread led back a foot, before abruptly ending, as though it had been cut in half. The remaining thread hung in the air, completely unsupported, bobbing up and down like some weird, headless snake.

Before she had time to make sense of what she was seeing, an arm suddenly materialized in front of her. Vix nearly screamed.

“C-Caine?” she gasped.

The disembodied hand gave her a thumbs up.

‘Of course,’ she thought. ‘I can’t hear him from out here.’ It seemed that the door was there, after all, but invisible. Or so she hoped. Vix swallowed, trying hard not to lose her nerve.
