
12 Elite Classes

(A/N: I don't know if any of you came for the romance, but if you did, prepare to be disappointed because I was not able to write any good interactions between the characters and for those who came here for fast paced super op MC that is already Kage level by this time, prepare to be disappointed too because 30+ chapters in and MC had just graduated. Before they leave the village, I wanted to at least develop MC's powers first and maybe develop some relationships.

I'm hoping that by chapter 50, I will start writing the Chunin exam and by then, the pace will start to speed up a bit because that part is just to open the first major conflict that MC will encounter and there will be a lot of shit to happen. If you don't like the pacing that much, I guess I can only say the please be patient until then.)

Finally, two years had passed and it was time for the Academy. During this two years, Hinata never slacked with her training. In fact, she so strong that 10 kg weights were already too light for her so she moved on to 20 kg weights. By now, she is already stronger than most adults and her punches pack a lot of power. In terms of Gentle Fist, she was bound to advance greatly in it because in the physical aspect, she became much faster following the strengthening of her body and chakra-wise, she was already beyond the peak of chakra control.

It wasn't just Hinata who had improved greatly. Choji had also managed to improve under the pressure of Hinata's progress. Due to that, he again did his weird thing that he did with his dick and altered his whole body composition. It sounds too heaven defying but it did happen. According to Choji, he just used the Akimichi clan techniques as usual but there was something that he did that he couldn't explain. In the end, everybody just attributed this to Choji's immense talent in the Expansion Jutsu.

Now, Choji was permanently chubby. Not like before where he deflates as he uses up the calories he had built up, but fat permanently no matter how depleted his chakra was. His supposed to be fat had turned into something that worked like extra chakra storage areas so Choji basically magically permanently increased his chakra reserves. He just had to pay a little price which was to stay fat his whole life since his fat had become something like muscles. No matter how much you work them out, they won't disappear and instead just strengthen them.

Everybody was astounded that Choji did something nearly impossible but the guy had the balls to be depressed because he had to stay fat. No biggie though, all it took was Hinata to call him permanently cute now and voila, problem solved.

Following Choji's body change, he followed Hinata's example and started using weights to train. Now, his physical strength was only below Hinata to kids their age.

Shikamaru on the other hand was as lazy as before and only focused on training his clan's Shadow Techniques. Still, just with his brains alone couple with his shadows, he can actually play Choji who is many times stronger than him.

Because of their progress, their parents had once recommended them to apply for the Elite Classes. This got Hinata to wonder since while she remembers students being divided according to their talent in the anime, there was no Elite Classes.

She asked her dad and apparently, it was basically a privileged class. For a start, there would be way less students attending so the teachers could freely adapt their lessons according to the student's progress unlike normal classes where teachers would have to wait for everyone else to catch up.

Another privilege was that students would be given the chance to spar with the normal students a year above them. This was to let them get early fighting experience with students older than them.

The biggest one would probably be the right to apply for early graduation. Early graduation had basically been banned so students now had to complete the full 4 years in the Academy. For the Elite Class though, they only had to stay for 2 years before they'd be given the chance to apply for early graduation. If they fail the test, they just have to stay for a year more before they'd be allowed to take the test again.

Hinata, Choji and Shikamaru couldn't be more happier to enrol for the Elite Classes. Hinata didn't want to stay for long inside the school and Shikamaru was too lazy to go to school. Choji just wanted to tag along with his best friends.

During the enrollment day, the three had been escorted personally by their own parents. When they soon arrived at the Academy, they also saw the other clan heads together with their own heirs. It was also at this time that Hinata finally saw the other heirs for the first time since she arrived at this world.

The loud and brash Kiba was accompanied by his parents and they all got red fangs marked on both sides of their faces. There were also what seemed to be huge guard dogs.

Beside them was the quiet Aburame clan together with their heir Shino. Near them was the Yamanaka clan accompanying Ino.

Hinata was also surprised to see the aloof Uchiha Clan with the famous enough Sasuke Uchiha. He was present with his father Fugaku and brother Itachi and all of them had poker faces. Hinata was precisely surprised when she saw then since she thought Fugaku should already be dead and Itachi should have already defected.

'Hmm, maybe it happens later on this year? I mean, I only know it happened when Sasuke was 7 years old.'

Thinking of that, Hinata just casually threw her thoughts on the back of her mind. She didn't care at all whether the Uchiha would be massacred soon or not. She didn't even know Sasuke and wasn't friends with any Uchiha. She also knew how arrogant those pieces of shit could be. The only people Hinata felt pity for was those innocent civilians, women, babies and old people that Itachi killed in mercilessly. But still, she wouldn't go on great lengths to save anyone.

If it was an Akimichi or Nara Massacre however, it would be totally different matter...

Anyways, Sasuke was present and so was the rest of the Rookie 9. Hinata had also seen Sakura somewhere in the crowd.

'No, wait. I don't see Naruto.'

She tried searching for the blond idiot but couldn't find him. Eventually, she forgot about him as they were quickly asked to take the entrance examination which they very easily passed. It was just some physical exam and a test to see if you had chakra. Later, after the Hokage's speech, they would be allowed to apply for the Elite Classes.
