
Strange Strength


A laughing session takes place over the lady's face as she cracks and enjoys her own lame joke.

Why lame? Because it definitely wasn't funny at all except for her own self.

Judging by the reaction on the wolf's face, it can easily be sensed that the animal obviously did not enjoy the joke by the latter. Let alone the way he felt disgusted. "No, Azura." Growls the animal finally. Azura looks cluelessly and curious to hear further.

"You didn't understand me and neither you ever can. You are a human and you don't have the ability to understand us." Well, that slightly felt degrading if Azura would be honest. "It's us. We, as the werewolves have this aptitude to speak in any language we are used to speaking regardless of our forms."


Whoa, whoa.

Well, it only slightly felt disrespectful when Theo spoke only the halfway of what he said. After the conclusion of his statement, it was extremely clear that the latter was utterly insulting Azura in some way.
