
"Welcome Little Rat~"

'Where do you think we go when we die?

Throughout history, many people have had different views and perspectives on the concept of death and of what happens after death.

Some people believe that a spirit world or dimension exists that we can't see. That those who die become spirits, more commonly known as ghosts.

Some people believe that they will go either to heaven, or to hell.

Some even believe that when a person dies, they will ascend to a higher plane of existence. - that upon death, one's soul awakens to a higher level of awareness. That those who die are reborn in a higher realm beyond the physical that they could never approach during their earthly life.'

'There's a lot of different perspectives when it comes to death. Some believe in reincarnation, while others believe that those judged favorably by God are rewarded with his eternal presence in paradise. Still others equate death with becoming one with the light.

But by far, the saddest view of death - the most depressing and terrifying perspective of all - equates it with nothingness.'

'Many have entertained and accepted the idea that both their body and their soul will cease to exist when they die.'

'Of course, it's never been proven what happens after death. The living have only their thoughts and beliefs to comfort them when thinking about death, and about their own mortality. I was the same, once upon a time. There was a time where I turned to my own beliefs and preconceptions to comfort myself at the prospect of my own eventual demise.

By now, you're probably wondering - why am I talking about this?

In that case, let me tell you the story of my life.'


A girl with long braided blue hair with ashy face stared at a chair intently which she slowly sat down on. "I thought. . .maybe you could love me like you used too." the blue-haired girl said to a short haired girl tied up in a chair in front of her.

"Even though I'm. . .different." the girl continued.

"But you've changed too, so. . . here's to the new us." said the blue haired girl as she got up from the chair, picking a somewhat scrap-made minigun.

She picked up a glowing blue ball the size of a marble on the table as she took her last look at the short-haired girl before putting the blue marble inside a shark-shaped rocket launcher, giving it an electrifying effect and made what seems to be runes inscribed on it glow.

After that, she slowly walked towards a higher ground with a makeshift staircase/platform. Right in front of her was the sight of a huge building akin to a castle with a city right below it.

And as she put the rocket launcher above her shoulder focusing on the castle, a male's voice could be heard saying "we'll show them. . ." a glowing purple liquid started to drip down the blue haired girl's eye, "we will show them all."

With an eyes full of resolve, the blue-haired girl fired the rocket launcher, sending a powerful blast towards the castle in what seems to be a meeting room with people discussing something.

And when the people in that room finally ended the discussion. . .they saw the rocket coming towards them, making the glass crack-

"Wait WHAT!" screamed a young man sitting in front of his monitor. "THAT'S IT?!?" says the young man with a dejected face.

"Aw man, that's such a cliffhanger, the producers really did a great job making Arcane." "To bad the season 2 isn't coming out soon" added the young man.

*mrrmmph* MRRMMMPH* a muffled sound could be heard behind him. "ugh, shut up." said the young man as he turned around to look on what seems to be a human wrapped in tape except it's nose, as this is needed for it to breath.

"Oh no its bleeding again! What should I do?!?"

*mmmpmph* mrrrrnnnghmpth* another muffled sound could be heard as if saying 'it's your fault you idiot!'

"Alright, alright I know, but just try and stay still! I need to finish watching the credits, maybe there's an easter egg." muttered the young man as he continued watching.

*mmmpmph* mrrrrnnnghmpth*

=|5 minutes later|=

"awww, no easter surprissse." said the young man imitating a dejected child voice. "well I guess that's that" He got up from his gaming chair and walked towards the wrapped person behind him.

"how are you?" asked the young man as he crouched down and rip the tape covering the mans mouth. "sooo, mind telling me why you're here again?~" said the young man with a smile on his face.

A shiver went up the wrapped person's spine as he looks at the terrifying smile of the young man.

'HE'S NUTS!!' the person screamed in his mind.

. . .

[Wrapped Person's POV]

'HE'S NUTS' I screamed in my mind as this psycho is smiling at me.

'I shouldn't have come here! I shouldn't have taken the job!' 'If I knew he was this 'SICK' in the head, I shouldn't have listened to that old man's words!' I said in my head regrettably.

"hey, why are you not talking?" said the psycho as he tilted his head. I stayed silent. "you were so fucking noisy earlier, I should've just kept you in the closet first, too bad we're in an apartment so there's no basement I can put you into." complained the psycho.

'shit! I should have just stayed quite earlier! I just got so upset that the target i was suppose to kill countered me in my ambush in his house and managed to tie me down too!'

That's right I was a trained assassin, a professional in the arts of interrogation and concealment'. I am one of the best-known master assassins in the underworld.

Large companies usually hire me to target their rivals, competitors, or anyone who would be a threat to their company with their 'I should be the only one at the top' mentality. So when they hire me, I do not question nor get interested on their little affairs, as long as they pay me, the job will be done.

=|One Week Earlier|=

An old looking man with white hair, clean beard and a fancy looking suit went to me and hired me to do a job. He asked me to kill his grandson, I didn't get surprised as this was common among rich companies as i did something like this all the time.

He gave me his grandson's basic information consisting his name, age, address, etc. And there's something that surprised me, his grandson is the well known child inventor.

Austin Vale, A 10 year old inventor known for inventing a new energy container called 'Pzarprimophic' or people use to say, the Prime particle. This Particle can be used in different things as this can help store and even multiply different kinds of energy when used properly, well known scientists also confirmed that with the right machines and equipment, mixing different kind of energies will be possible.

He invented the Prime particles when he was 10 at a lab in his grandfather's company, they said that they toured inside the lab with the whole Vale Family to celebrate the rapid rising of the company economically, and as they toured, they noticed that Austin was long gone, he was not around them anymore as he went around the place alone. they searched for him everywhere and assumed he just ran off somewhere in the building.

They went to the counter in the main lobby and paged Austin so he can come back, they waited for him for almost 2 hours when they decided to go the security to ask for the security footage to see where he went too. As they started to watch the security footage, they managed to find the route where he ran off to. And they are shocked to learn that Austin managed to open the 'Authorized scientist only' Lab where there's a lot of dangerous experiments. They didn't know how Austin manage to input the correct password as this was confidential even for Austin's parents.

Austin's parents got anxious and immediately went after him to see if he's ok. They went to the lab and input the password immediately opening the metal door, they went in and to their surprise, everything there is messy, random papers on the ground, different scraps of metal on the table, tools, equipment and machines not meant for kids surrounded Austin with ashy face and messy hair as he was holding a translucent cube.

This cube is the Prime particle, only not the best compared to the new prime particles now as this was just made in the span of 2 hours. The scientists that saw this examined the cube and got surprised by the discovery, they asked the boy where he got it, and the boy simply said "'where I got it'? but I just used those and read things there added some things and using these to make this" the boy said as he pointed at the machines, papers and tools he said he used to make the prime particles.

The papers on the ground had a childlike penmanship on it, but the contents of the said paper are far from a doing of a child. They didn't believe it at first but Austin explained some things he did and what possible effects it can bring. And at that moment they all knew, that a genius...no.. a monster just appeared.

'Austin Vale?!? didn't he die by a car crash with his parents 6 years ago??!'

"Wh-" I want to ask him about this but he quickly cut me off and said "he's alive, and I want you to kill him."

Hmm, according to the information the old man gave me, Austin survived the crash as the impact wasn't strong enough to kill him as he was sitting on the backseat of the car only the parents died, he said that Austin manage to flee the car before it exploded.

"I hired an expert to sabotage their car for it to crash so I can inherit all the credits and fortune of that dammed brat" The old man said with an angry look on his face. Probably assumed that his grandson was dead, even without the body in the car, or maybe he thought he can't survive by himself, who knows. Maybe the lack of news about his grandson in the last few years made him think that he really was dead.

"But then an informant of mine caught a glimpse of him lurking the city, I thought he was joking at first, but. . . when I saw the footage, their faces. . . it's uncanny" said the old man "so I started searching and searching and SEARHING! until I found him" continued the old man with a creepy smile on his face.

"So, he's now on this building right?" I pointed at the address in the paper for confirmation. "Yes, he just moved in here, and I want you to kill him fast and make his death naturally as possible!" the old man yelled. 'Sheesh, old people really cant take a break huh"

=|One week Later (before the ambush)|=

I've been keeping an eye on Austin in the last few days, memorizing his schedule and making preparations to make a 'natural' death for him. And now that I memorized all his schedules and affairs outside, I waited for him to go out, as this time was usually where Austin goes out and buy groceries for the day.

When Austin went out, I took the opportunity to sneak in his apartment and hid in one of the corners on the ceiling.

'now I just need to do the waiting game'

=|2 Hours Later|=

'He should be here right at this moment' I told myself as I heard Austin's footsteps getting close


The front door clicked and I readied my ambush.

An when I saw Austin, I immediately went close to him silently and swiftly and thrusted the paralysis poison using an injection on his back. . .or so I thought.

My attack was blocked by a glowing purple aura and the next moment I blinked, I realized I was already on the floor incapable of moving.

'wh-WHAT HAPPENED!' I was in shock.

'whAT IS THAT PURPLE SHIT!' I exclaimed to myself as this was my first time seeing something like that.

"Oh, what do we have here~" Austin said seemingly amused.


"A little rat invited itself in~" he added as he grinned from ear to ear, terrifying the hell out of me.

'that's not a human! THAT'S A MONSTER'


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