
Who is the most popular person in the entertainment industry today? Lola Hussey!

Pow Ainsley was particularly competitive, he didn't care about any place that wasn't first. His personality was possibly inherited from Lola Hussey, or perhaps, from Ethan Ainsley. The one thing Pow Ainsley hardly lacked was guardians.

If there was a parent-teacher meeting, all his uncles would take turns attending, they also took turns picking him up from school. To avoid confusion, they even drafted a weekly schedule.

Monday: Uncle Hiram Bailey picks him up from school, eats at Uncle Hiram's house, does not stay overnight, goes back home in the evening.

Tuesday: Uncle Simon Bailey picks him up, they eat a candlelit dinner together, can stay overnight or not. Since Uncle Simon is single, he can sleep with him at night and meet many beautiful female stars who always blink their eyes at Uncle Simon. Pow Ainsley thinks their sight must not be very good since they blink so often.
