
Pearl the Iron Wall

"ZORO!" Luffy shouted as the two bounty hunters dived in to save Zoro.

Everyone was shocked in disbelief as they finally realized how strong the people are in the grandline.

"DAMN YOU!" Luffy shouted as he stretched his arms like a rubber towards Mihawk.

"What?!" Kaito and the others exclaimed in surprised as they couldn't believe what they saw.

"So he's a devil fruit user" Don Krieg commented.

As Luffy was about to attack and flew off towards Mihawk, he stopped as a hand grabbed his shoulder.

"Calm down... Zoro is alive" Kaito said to reassured him as he saw everything that's transpired and how Mihawk spared Zoro at the last second.

"Really...?" Luffy questioned.

"Yes, you can even ask that Mihawk guy if you want" Kaito replied as he glanced at Mihawk.

"Oh?" Mihawk narrowed his eyes as he didn't think that someone would noticed it except for Zeff.

Even Zeff was a bit surprised as he thought that he would be the only one to discern it as he have been to the grandline and is much more experienced compared to the others.

"Is that true 'Hawk-Eyed' man?" Luffy questioned as he looked at Mihawk.

"Yes... it is still to soon for him to die" Mihawk replied as the two bounty hunters emerged out of the waters as they carried Zoro to a small boat with Ussop on it.

"Zoro!?" Luffy shouted in relief.

"You have to become stronger Roronoa Zoro, no matter how long it will take... I will always be the strongest swordsman" Mihawk said as he turned to look at Zoro.

"For I am Dracule Mihawk... remember that strong one as I will be waiting for you to challenged me again" Mihawk stated.

"I can't believe that Mihawk, the hawk eyes would say something like that to the kid" Zeff said in astonishment as he glanced at Zoro.

While Johnny, Yosaku and Ussop tries to stitched up his wound, Zoro raised his last remaining blade in the air.

"Lu..Luffy... c-can you hear... me?" Zoro said weakly while still raising his blade.

"I'm sorry for making you worry about me... until I can defeat that man and become the strongest swordsman... I won't lose to anyone ever again... forever!" Zoro yelled as tears trickled in his cheeks.

Luffy smiled and Mihawk smirked as they heard him while the chefs were dumbfounded at him for still having the strength to speak after almost dying.

"Do you have any problem with that... King of the pirates?" Zoro yelled as he asked Luffy.

"Hehehe~ Nope!" Luffy replied with a big smile on his face.


Kaito just watched as Mihawk escaped by slicing the ship which created a big dust of smoke while Zoro and the others went to get their other member, if he remembered correctly her name was Nami.

'Hmmm... I still have a long way to go if I want to achieve my dream' Kaito thought in contemplation.

'If I didn't train my eyesight then I wouldn't have been able to follow their movements' Kaito added as he was motivated to become even stronger.

As Kaito was thinking of what he can do to grow stronger, he suddenly heard someone yelling which made him pause his thoughts.

"WOW! here they come... this is so exciting!" Luffy shouted in excitement as he watched the Krieg's pirates rushed towards them.

Kaito saw as Luffy stretched towards the charging pirates and knocked them out.

"Nice" Kaito commented in admiration as Baratie ship suddenly started producing weird noises.

Kaito and the pirates were dumbfounded as a large wooden porch appeared on both sides of the ship.

"I see... you're afraid of damaging the ship, that's good as we'll be able to get it in perfect condition" Don Krieg stated in amazement as he wanted the ship even more now.

Suddenly the ship's stem started moving as it fired cannons on it's mouth all around the pirates and rushed forward in the direction of Don Krieg.

It was then stopped by Don Krieg with just one hand as he grabbed it and threw it towards the Baratie ship.

"That ship is flying towards us!!" a chef shouted in panicked tone.

As it was about to collide into the ship, Sanji dashed and jumped as he intercepted it by kicking it away.

Everyone was in awed at his strength to be able to kicked it away.


Out of nowhere, an unconsious chef was pushed away towards Sanji's feet with injuries all over the chef' body.

"Tch... whether they use a weapon or not, a chef still a chef" a Krieg's pirate with a long cutlass said in arrogance.

Both Patty and Carne rushed forward as they wiped the floor with the pirates like it was no big deal.

Out of nowhere, a towering man with two large iron plates that covered both his front and backside appeared as he knocked out Patty and Carne.

"It's Mr. Pearl the iron wall of the Krieg's pirate" a random pirate shouted in joy.

"Hahahah~ what a weakling!!" Pearl laughed in a mocking tone.

When a Krieg's pirate tried stealing Patty's knife, Sanji dashed as he kicked him towards the others pirates as they flew off towards Pearl.

"A knife is the chef's soul... no worthless person... is allowed to touch it" Sanji said as he returned back Patty's knife to him.

Sanji and Pearl started arguing as they talked about how they could defeat each other.

"I've been through 61 fights and not a single drop of blood were lost" Pearl boasted with a smug look on his face.

Thud~ Bonk~

Everybody went silent as Luffy fell on Pearl's head which caused some blood to drip on his nose.

"I'm so lucky that I didn't fall into the sea" Luffy sighed in relief.

"...Huh...Blood?" Pearl said in confusion.
