
Chapter 74: Mount Hane

Laying my hand in the Hawks large wing, I gasped as the area around became shrouded with mist, only for the Hawk to flap its wings once, dispelling it.

Before we stood in the small yard of our temporary house, the soft grass and stump I was sitting on now replaced with the sharp breeze of mountain air, rocks and stone beneath us.

Looking around, my eyes went wide as I took in the beautiful view laid out before us.

Standing on a large mountain that overlooked a verdant valley, various smaller birds were soaring through the sky, the three moons shining on their feathers.

Slinking between the trees were wolves and panthers, growling softly at one another whenever they crossed paths.

Encompassing the valley were a few other mountains, slightly shorter than the one we were on now, and each radiating a keen wind chakra.

However, what lay in the distance was an absolutely gigantic mountain, piercing the sky and almost touching the moons.

"That is Mount Myoboku, home of the Toads. Impressive, isn't it?"

The Hawk beside me stared at the towering mountain with mixed feelings, before sighing as it turned around.

"Come, we have much to discuss."

Hopping of the branch it sat on, the brown and gold Hawk lead me up the spiraling path, deeper into Mount Hane.

As we scaled the mountain dozens of Hawks gathered around the edges, watching our journey.

Each step I took felt heavy, the swirling wind chakra battering my body the higher we went.

It could have been minutes, or it could have been hours, but eventually we reached the summit, where two Hawks waited.

They were triple the size of a normal Hawk, standing well above me even as they perched on an old, decaying log.

The one on the left had a similar coloring to the forest below, all its feathers a lush green or dark brown. Paired with its leafy visage, the Hawk had piercing emerald eyes, it's gold beak chipped slightly as it glared at me.

As for the one on the right, it was a brilliant gold, the feathers looking like liquid metal as it shimmered under the moonlight. It was staring at me warmly, before raising its wing and slapping the Hawk beside it.

"Stop glaring at her! Hah... Sorry, dear! Shiba is a little... distrusting of humans."

The Golden Hawk nodded her head at me, glaring at the Green Hawk beside her.

I was surprised, since her voice was eerily melodic and calm.

"Besides, Ren was the one who brought her here! Do you not trust our son?!"

Shiba, the Green Hawk, flinched, shrinking away from the Golden Hawk.

Sighing, she turned back to me, nodding agains as she said "Well, my name is Asa, and as you could guess, Shiba and I are the leaders of the Hawk Clan. When Ren told us he found a suitable human to contract with... well, we couldn't believe it. Right, Shi-Shi?"

Shiba flinched again, before nodding quickly.

"T-That's right! Ahem... A-Anyways, we were going to have another... practical trial here, but..."

He turned his piercing green eyes towards my right arm, narrowing them slightly.

"With an injury like that, it'd be unfair to place you in a physical trial. So, Asa and I came up with... another trial."

Asa nodded, before gesturing to the spot in front of her.

"Please, sit. Instead of trying to get another demonstration of your might, we decided it would be best to determine how you react to natural energy."

"Natural energy?"

Seeing my confusion, Asa just chuckled.

"Yes, natural energy. Not chakra, not spiritual energy, but the energy that has existed in the world long before chakra was around. Now, close your eyes. Concentrate."

Sitting before them, I closed my eyes, quickly entering the meditative state that had been drilled into me as a child.

"I will gradually push natural energy towards you. Try to feel it."

Asa's melodic voice entered my ears, and I focused my attention on the air around me.

Chakra has a very unique feeling, dependent on its element and intent.

Right now, surrounding my body was the probing, cold wind chakra, swirling around my limbs.


That was all I felt.

Pursing my lips, I strained my senses even more, searching for this 'natural energy.'

However, no matter how much I searched for it, I found nothing except chakra.

"Hmm... maybe it's because of the injury... Kokoro, I'll be pushing more natural energy your way, but if you can't feel anything, let me know."


Emptying my mind again, I took in my surroundings.

The same keen wind was running over my body, but there was...

Furrowing my brow, I concentrated more, trying to grasp what was hiding under the wind, just out of reach.

It felt like a strand of warm cloth surrounded by the glacial frost of wind chakra.


"Wait! Just... a few more seconds!"

Where was it?

It was like hearing your name in a crowded room.

Did someone actually call for you, or was your mind playing tricks on you?

I swear there's something there, but...

My body grew colder, and my right arm spasmed, however I remained focused.

Ignoring the chill and pain, I desperately sifted through the wind chakra, searching for that weird feeling again.

Swallowing, I steadied myself as my head grew lighter.


Asa's voice was laden with worry as she called my name.

"I can feel something! I just... I can't find it!"


Come on...

It was right..!

Gasping, I found that warm feeling again, pulling it towards me.


"How in-"

"-first human..."


Opening my eyes, I panted as I stared down at the warmth in my hands.

A gentle orb of pale light hovered above my palm, washing away the chill from my body.

"Is this..?"

Staring up at Asa and Shiba, I held out the orb, fascinated by it.

"Yes, that's natural energy... Well done. Not many can sense it like that..."

Shiba nodded at me, hopping off the log.

Approaching me, he stared at the orb, before raising one of his wings.

The orb instantly shot towards his wing, before it was absorbed into his body.

"Impressive, human. Here."

Gesturing at the ground, I watched as kanji was slowly inscribed on the rocks.

'Hawk Clan of Mount Hane:

Patriarch: Shiba

Matriarch: Asa

Clan Heir: Ren

Contracted Humans: Har---maki'

Inspecting the words written on the ground, I frowned as I read the name of the contracted human, the name smudged and ineligible.

Shrugging, I pushed some chakra into my left finger, signing my name below the other.

"Now, you just need to add a little blood to finish the seal."

I nodded at Asa, biting the tip of my right thumb and pressing it on the ground, my name flaring slightly.

Once the glow dissipated, the script faded, and all the surrounding Hawks let out caws.

"Well, welcome to the Hawk Clan, Kokoro Kanei."


So, like I've said before, Kokoro won't get Sage Mode for a while, but that doesn't mean she won't learn anything here.

Wind Techniques and maybe something else as well~



Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts