
Chapter 84.

    I still prefer my smoothie to this harsh substance poured into a glass being served as a drink.

   "You have not finished your drink? Kelvin asked as we were dancing,"  Drink up girl there is more to have" he said.

   "More? I asked dazed, "This drink is harsh in my throat. It's literally burning my throat. I can't have more tonight." I said, giving him the glass cup.

   "That's alcohol for you girl, it's for the strong, not like your smoothie or regular drink but you will soon get used to it,"he said.

  "I can't get used to it dude" I said disagreeing.

"I will say you said so," he said, sipping from his glass cup.

     I was enjoying the party singing along and dancing to every step and music being played my both hands were in the air as my hair was dazzling in the air shouting and screaming loudly at the top of my voice, I was hype active than usual no doubt I was already intoxicated by the little alcohol I drank thank goodness I took little. Gabriella was also intoxicated because she was also behaving unusual.The rest seems to have gotten familiar with alcohol. I just had to sit to avoid harassing myself where everyone is seated.

  "Can we leave now?" Gabriella asked with this sleepy look all over her face .

  "Let me ask the rest" I said tapping kelvin" Can we leave now? I asked him.

   "Are you girls tired? He asked.

"Yesss we are" I replied, staring at him.

    "Okkk you girls should just wait while I get the lover birds then we can leave at once. 

 Gabriel and Sera seem to have danced to the front because we tried searching for them around but they were nowhere to be found.

   "Kelvin can you try searching for them in front" I suggested, "while I try calling them on phone just prays they hear it rings with this noise" I said dailing Sera's number it rang once then ended I tried it again which she picked.

  "Hey girl please come to where we sat we have to leave now" I said .

     "Okk we are coming" she replied.

I immediately called Kelvin so he wouldn't continue searching for them. They came together and then we left for our lodge.

    As I and Gabriella walked into our room I went straight to my bed before I could think of changing my dress I slept off, I woke up hours after to urinate I was so tired to stand on my feet my eyes were open but I was feeling this head banging which was preventing me from moving an inch from where I laid. After much trial I stood up more like crawling to the bathroom and crawling back to my bed after which I slept off immediately to be woken up by the reflection of light entering the room. I used my palm to cover my eyes from being harmed by the sunlight which was directed to the room after which I creeped to cover the window properly with the curtain.

   "Gabriella I called out" checking if she was awake.

She was still asleep, her name I called out woke her but she was still looking exhausted even after the long rest.

  "You look like a mess right now" I said as she stood up from her bed.

    "Thanks she said rubbing her eyes with the back of her palm. "Last night was out of this world. It seems I had way too much alcohol, My head bangs like a heavy bell is being rang over it" she said, supporting her head with her hand as relaxed on the reading table.

   "Let me get you a glass of drink water to hydrate so you can get yourself a little" I said getting water for her.

     "Thanks girl" she said, stretching the glass cup to me.

  "You are welcome to just try resting now. I won't advise you to take painkillers, it's just veisalgia, nothing serious" I said, arranging her pillow for her to lay comfortably.

 Gabriella slept while I went freshen up my breath was so bad I could still perceive the alcohol swell all over my body which was annoying so I had this deep bathing using my body wash so hard on my skin if it was possible to peel this outer layer of the skin I would have done that because I hated the offensive smell of alcohol, Was it that offensive or was I just exaggerating about the issue? However I was done after an hour. It was very funny. I stayed longer because I took special time brushing my teeth so that alcohol swells out from my breath after which I scrubbed my skin so hard. After bathing I had this fresh breath feeling more like a rebirth quickly creamed my body combing and having my hair packed above my neckline I wore a black polo shirt with a short which was below my knee I never planned on going out because I needed all the rest I can get to recover from last night's hangover I was also having that relic but I just had to be there to care for Gabriella because her's was complicated than mine.

    Gabriella sneezed as she opened her eyes looking revived her face was a bit swollen.

 "Hey" she said in an undertone.

"How do you feel? I asked her.

   Standing from the bed "I feel better now" she replied.

   "Can I prepare hot chocolate for you? I asked her.

"Yesss thanks I need it" she replied stretching her body.


