
Chapter 35.

   Gabriella put on the oven after which she started putting all the ingredient into the mixer soon the ingredients were mixed enough to be baked in the oven, Gabriella bought the ideal of preparing chapman while I went getting ice cube for the drink.soon Gabriel and kelvin arrived with chocolate and candy the party started it was just a party of five Sera had a bluetooth which we used in playing music the party was fun and interesting but it was a short party with lots of snacks and drinks. 

   "Let's play a game," Kelvin suggested.

"Which game can we play? Sera asked.

    "A puzzle won't be a bad idea" I replied 

"Yhh I'll go with the puzzle game, '' Sera said. And I also have a puzzle game here in my room" walking to her shelf then coming back with the puzzle in her right hand. But it's a bit difficult that's why I don't play it. She said,

    "Let's first read the instructions before we begin" Kelvin suggested, opening the puzzle for the instruction book fell then he read the instruction to us while we all listen next we started the game it was three to two we shared our selves into two group one was a group of two while the other is three. 

   Gabriel and sera were in the group of two persons while Gabriella,Kelvin and I were in same group the puzzle was abit difficulty but since we were in groups it was less complicated because we could suggest and reason together, After some hours we were all tired of the game so we stopped and our group won the game with extra three points we were singing our praises and teasing the love birds.

  "It's high time we return to our lodge so we can prepare for tomorrow's class" Gabriella said checking the time from her phone.

   "What time are we having a lecture tomorrow? Sera asked.

   "I don't know yet but by tomorrow we will get the update" I replied.

   "Let's see you guys off, " Gabriel said, holding Sera as they both stood up.

   " Gabriel, when will you be leaving for your lodge? Gabriella asked.

"I don't know yet but kelvin will be leaving soon right? Gabriel asked, turning to Kelvin as we stepped out of the room.

   "Yes I will be leaving soon" Kelvin replied.

"But why did you ask?" Gabriel asked Gabriella.

   "Nothing serious I just wanted to know if you will be staying over at Sera's place"Gabriella replied.

   "Staying over? I asked, Don't Sera have a roommate? 

"I have but she doesn't stay in the lodge, she got an apartment off college that's why I have just a bunk and not bunk bed" Sera replied.

  "Ohh that's strange a first year college student staying off college" Gabriella replied.

 "It's not strange,"Kelvin replied.

We got to the entrance of the lodge and they waved at me and Gabriella as we left.


 As we walked to our lodge I remembered that they was a live video I pinned down to watch later so I went checking the video. It was an unknown user that tagged Ethan in a live video this guy was doing a challenge but soon he and Ethan kissed and were romancing themselves it was annoying.

  "Woaw Gabriella see" I said, stretching my phone to her. I told you there was something about this Ethan guy" I said with this rueful look all over my face.

  "Ethan is an homosexual? Gabriella asked surprisely, so why is he interested in you? She asked another question.

  "That's what I can't answer for now," I said, opening the door to our room. I need a good rest right now" I said lying on my bed with my sandals still on.

   "Paris you need to get a grip of yourself" Gabriella said sitting next me on my bed." You need to get yourself together so you can ask him" she said, comforting me.

   "I'm good and not feeling bad at all I just need to let him know I saw his video with his boyfriend" I said as I lay on my bed back.

 "Okk if you say so" Gabriella replied.

  A lots of things was going on in my mind I kept trying to process the video I watched. I knew I was having this feeling that they was something Ethan was hidding but being an homosexual was not part of what I though he was hiding, How will I ask him wait why am I over thinking this all issue I was already having head ache that was making me feel so dizzy and tired I just fell asleep.


   I woke up so late the next morning with my head banging and a reddish eyes Gabriella was already preparing toast bread for the both of us.

   "Hey Paris," She said, turning to face me. Wait, why are your eyes coloured? But you slept well over night right? Gabriella asked.

  "Yhh I did and I just woke up, Gabriella I'm hungry can I get the toast bread" I begged.

   "Can I get you a hot chocolate? Gabriella asked.

  And I really need that hot chocolate to calm the headache.

  "Can I also get pain killers? I asked.

"Yhh you can just go to the rest room to brush while I get the painkillers and prepare hot chocolate" Gabriella suggested.

    I went to the restroom as I was walking. My head was so sweer and I was feeling dizzy but managed to brush my teeth and also washed my face. Then went back to the room Gabriella was already done preparing the hot chocolate and the pain killers were on the bed but she wasn't there.

  "Gabriella" I called out with a sharp pain in my head as I called out.

