

While the other students utilized their break to study, Seina and Vino consumed the meal he had purchased.

Seina still opened her textbook as she was eating, and she frowned at Vino while he was playing video games.

Vino didn't move from his seat at all and didn't even hear what Seina said because he was too busy playing with his cell phone. He had his fingers firmly pressed to the screen and even followed the music with his lips as he played.

"Vin, why don't you study?"

Teasing Vino, Seina said.

Seina read the lessons she had memorized aloud, but Vino didn't pay attention to her because the sound of the game he was playing on his cellphone distracted him from his studies. Seina's voice was also subpar compared to the sound of Vino's cellphone. 

The sound of the game contrasted with Seina's voice.

"Vin! Leave me alone! Here, I can't study!" 
