
7.04.2 Spies among us.

Is war good for the people?

Shouldn't we as a civilized society pursue resolutions through dialog and not through war?

Shouldn't we do our best to prevent the youth, our future from dying in a war that can actually be prevented? 

Sure we do, but sadly, the same kind of thoughts are not carried by people on the other side. For they don't consider their youth important enough to begin with.

Cynark's army was too wasteful, due to their high population, it was easier for Cynark to fill in their ranks in a decade or two when the new would replace the old. So on an individual level, the soldiers of Cynark were never given any good equipment.

The same was the case with Tahain, born of a farmer family, he was chosen in his village along with many other youths to fill in the ranks of military. And Tahain on his own only has training for two months at most, where he was only taught how to shoot. 
