
6.04.2 The flash.

It was day two of the rat incident and Amir just learned something absurd today. 

"Did the plague reach here?" No, that shouldn't be the case, the plague in Wortham was brought under control albeit at a cost. So, spreading to a colony in the middle of nowhere seemed absurd, not to mention hard, considering that each individual is properly certified before they get entry to it. 

So what was this? Just a preventative measure? 

And yes, it could have been just that if not for the rat at his locker not too long ago. "Does the Colony have too much money that it would give it out to the commoners for free?" Amir asked his Butler who was making some tea for him.

"I have no hold over how the finances of the Colony are handled, so I apologize for my ignorance." 

Another non-answer. But no worries, Amir had more or less some idea of what was going on. 'High chance the rat really might be infected. Taking these steps before a plague spreads is good." 
