
5.11.4 Tracing the steps.

The maid was easier to find, as he had expected, she was not too far from his home and was eyeing him all along, including the time when Henry arrived. But she didn't ask much, his prior lies had kept her in the dark, and considering how he held a higher position than her, it was not hard to fool her with false orders.

Though, not everything was easy though. The bodyguard that had kept a watch over him all this time was nowhere to be seen. Even when used the sacred call sign, nothing happened, as if she had disappeared from the world.

'No eyes on me?' Making him curious for a bit. No matter what his boss's intentions were, it would be absurd for his bodyguard to leave at such an inopportune time when his boss's lover was close to him.

But, time was of the essence. Enough of it had already been wasted and he still had to find the trail of Baldar if he wished to follow him into the test area. 
