
Glasses of Almighty

I am so stupid. How did I not think of this before? At this point, if a certain Asian Youtuber's dad called me "stupid" or "failure". I would accept that criticism wholeheartedly.

I am feeling this way because on this beautiful Wednesday morning when I woke up and was thinking what item would create today. I had an epiphany of sorts and found all sorts of loopholes that could be exploited by people in my items like I didn't do anything to protect my items from theft ability. Also I could have created much better items wielding powers of more than one pathway. I mean its not like the items have Beyonder characteristics so they should be easily stable. After all there was limit in power of the item not its versatility. I should theoretically be able to create an item with the power of all 22 Pathways with their powers reaching peak of Sequence 1 now. I am a bit excited to create an item like that now.




At breakfast nothing much happened. Paul just told us about some of his business ventures and asked if I was interested in any. I told him that currently I am familiarizing myself with how this all works which isn't wrong. I mean I am familiarizing myself with the world now.

We currently live in North Borough of Backlund right now. Most of the richer people and nobles live in West Borough and Empress Borough. Middle class people usually live in Cherwood Borough where Klein lived as Sherlock Moriarty. East Borough was where we live previously, it is the most dangerous place for normal people. Thankfully we are out of it.

After breakfast I just lazed around and read newspaper. It praised the government and royal family because of that "The Pritz" ship. It's really been a hot topic for the newspapers I guess. Well these things don't matter to me.




At 3.30 pm in the afternoon.

I started using my item creation ability to create my item with powers from all 22 Pathways. When I was about to create the item, my ability warned me against doing so. Don't ask me how, but it did. It told me that I can only put abilities from neighboring Pathways at most in a single item, if I do more than that the item will become unstable. When I asked why? The ability told me that it is the law of this universe.

So basically the limitation is not because of my ability but because of universe laws. Oh well I decided to create the item with the Power of peak Sequence 1 Beyonder of Visionary, Hanged Man, Sun, Tyrant and White Tower Pathways. Basically this item will have the Power of Sequence 1 Author, Dark Angel, White Angel, Thunder God and Omniscient Eye. The item is a pair of eyeglasses, so I will them Glasses of Almighty. Along with the features that I gave to earlier items like self reparation and only working for me. I gave these items power of anti theft and in case they get lost or stolen, I can just summon them back.

After the creation of this item, I felt the power the power in it. And boy was it crazy. Of course, me being me I put them on immediately and felt my mind elevated to new heights.

I felt too much information in my mind. I found that there was no Amon in this area, but there were some Avatars in other Boroughs. I could feel a gaze on me and I gazed back. I found the zealot Adam towards the north and blocked him with my Author powers. I also used those powers to make Amon not notice me for the time being.

I am doing this because while this item is abnormally powerful and could potentially help me fight even gods. It puts too much on my mind and spirituality. After that I stopped using all of those powers. I felt myself relaxed after that.




I then started having tea with Eva. I also told her about the Glasses, she was even more excited for her Beyonder potion and items now.

[Appearance of Maximilian Hendrix]

"So brother, since you don't have anything to do today. How about we go outside and have a date? After all I don't think we have to be cooped up in this house all day. Also since there is no modern entertainment why don't we go to some bookstores and see if there are any good novels here." After getting the glasses I injected the knowledge of how to read all the modern languages directly into her mind. So I guess that's where this is coming from. Anyway this reminds me of a certain bestselling novel called Stormwind Mountain Villa written by Fors Wall that lazy author. I always liked her character, maybe I should meet her and add her to - no no what am I thinking. Oh well now that the idea is there, I guess it will stick. Anyway let's check the novel out first.

"Alright I also wanted to check out a novel that I read about in the source material. It's called Stormwind Mountain Villa, it's written by a certain lazy author. Anyway let's go on our date then." I tell her.

"Oh let's go then." She gets up and we go arm in arm outside. We didn't need to get ready because we already were wearing good clothes and it's not like we are meeting nobles.




Well the date went well. We bought some clothes and jewelry that Eva liked. We also bought that Stormwind Villa novel. I gave it to Eva to read first. I will just read it later, after all it won't take much time for me to read it. So we can discuss the novel at the same time.

It was night now and I was thinking if I should make a harem or not. I was in a dilemma right now, it's a really new feeling for me and the problem is that I don't feel bad. As if I always had this desire deep down. So I just decided to come clean with Eva regarding this topic.

"Hey Eva what would you feel if I say that I want to have a harem?" I feel Eva tremble a bit in my arms.

"What kind of question is that brother?" She looks at me with a dissatisfied and annoyed face. " Now let me turn that question around, how would you feel if I wanted men other than you?"

Ah that makes sense, it's unacceptable for me. That situation makes me angry to even think about. So I guess she is refusing the idea of it huh. Before giving me the chance to speak, she says.

"Of course I don't have such ideas but you should ask these questions more tactfully. Anyways while I will be annoyed in case of a harem but I won't oppose you if you want it but on two conditions. I am doing this because I don't want you to suppress yourself just because of me, in the end I just want you to be happy." How the tables turn. I am confused. So I can make a harem now.

"So what are these conditions?" I ask.

"You will love me the most no matter what and I will be the Queen of the Harem. I will not budge from this. Even if your harem have Goddesses, I will be their queen. So do you agree? If you do then I'll allow it." She says while looking at me with a very fake arrogant expression.

"Alright I agree, it's not much anyway. I would always love you the most after all." I say to her.

"So who do you want to add to the harem that you asked me this? Is it Evernight Goddess? Or is it that former vampire goddess?" She asked me like those ladies who like gossip. And I just stared at her dumbfounded.


Well that was the chapter. Hope you like it. It is quite short compared to my previous chapters but that's because of my time constraints.

I will write shorter chapters for the foreseeable future so that I can keep the updates consistent. Hopefully you will understand.

I feel that the quality of chapter wasn't that great hopefully I will improve it in the future. Anyway if you have suggestions for the story I am all ears.

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