
[Smut] Make Children with Me, Then (Part 2)

"Rock, paper, scissors!"

Leon did rock. Wolfe also did rock.

It was a draw.

"Rock, paper, scissors!"

Both paper.

Another draw.

"Rock, paper, scissors!"

Draw again.

"Are you kidding me??" Both of them exclaimed, glaring at each other.

"Rock, paper, scissors!"

Wolfe went quiet, frowning. "You're definitely cheating."

"I'm cheating!? It's you who's cheating!" Leon exclaimed. "How do we always get a draw?"

"We think too much alike." Wolfe frowned. "Try not to be on the same wavelength as me."

Leon furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, not understanding what the hell he meant. But there's one thing that's clear.

They've got to end this draw! Someone has to win already.

"Rock, paper, scissors!"

".... .... ...."

"..... ..... ..."

Leon grinned. He did a rock, and Wolfe did scissors.

"Yes!" He raised his fist to the air. "I won!"

Wolfe rolled his eyes. "Fine, fine. Now get on with it."

"Huh?" Leon said. They were getting draws for too long that he had forgotten the purpose of the game and was instead more excited to just win rock, paper, scissors.

Wolfe unwrapped the towel around his waist, revealing his smooth, slender legs and his thin waist... along with his very nice and round buttocks.

He laid in bed on his back with his face red, handing a pack of condom to Leon. "Just do it. Besides, I still win if you cum and I don't."

Leon felt like his brain short-circuited for a moment.

He's accepting this too fast! He's not even asking for another rock, paper, scissors or at least trying to find a way to bail!

He awkwardly took off the towel too, and opened the condom pack with his teeth. He had done this thing already so many times, he had also done it backdoor before but this was definitely different.

Because he did it with women!

He wore the protection around his member and took the bottle of lube, taking too much amount because he was afraid he might hurt Wolfe or something.

"Let me put it." Wolfe finally said. "Damn it, Leon, you're emptying the whole bottle. Did you really have 14 girlfriends at this point?"

"I'm just being careful." Leon scowled.

Wolfe sarcastically said as he scooped out the whole handful of lube in his hand. "Wow, thanks for the concern then."

"You ever done this before? You being the... uh....." Leon asked. "I mean, I don't... But I know some guys do. I prefer to be on top but if you like that, I don't judge---"

"No. I haven't yet. Yeah, I've dated women that offered to dominate before... but I declined." Wolfe suddenly also felt really awkward. "But it can't be that hard, right?"

Leon made a face, and Wolfe just found it funny due to his drunken stupor.

"What?" He asked. "I just insert all this with my fingers, and then you go in, and then that's it. What's so difficult with that?"

Wolfe did not hesitate and did rub the copious amount of liquid in between his legs, jolting a bit from the cold sensation. He raised his legs up so he can reach further, slowly inserting his digits inside.

Leon looked away, finding it so dirty to look. He doesn't find it disgusting or anything like that, it was just... weird. For Wolfe to be so willing like this.

"Man, you're getting hard again just by me fingering myself?" He then heard Wolfe chuckle beneath him. "Ah, you're definitely gonna lose this game hard, Leon Mo."

Leon didn't even realize that he got a boner from this, and he was too drunk and confused to explain himself.

He just asked with a hint of impatience. "Are you done yet?"

Wolfe gave him an 'are-you-serious' look. "You were the one saying you want to be careful, but now you're impatient for me to be done? Pick a characterization, Leon Mo. You're playing your role too inconsistently."

"I'm not playing any role. Is this how you see it?" Leon looked at him with a sort of strong intensity that even he was surprised about.

He was pinning down Wolfe even more, his powerful hands placed over his shoulders. "Is that why this was so easy with you? Is this just the great Wolfe Fang acting out some role to play?"

"Wh-What? No!" Wolfe exclaimed. "What are you even getting at? I'm fingering my fucking asshole for you, if I was pretending, I wouldn't have gone this far."

Leon was only silent, and they just stared at each other, only the tension hanging in the air.

"Well, how far would you not go just to mess with me?" Leon's expression suddenly soured, and he let go.

He reached out to take the condom off, and Wolfe stopped him. "Wait, what are you doing?"

"Let's stop this nonsense." Leon Mo said. "You're drunk, I'm drunk. This game is stupid anyway."

"B-But.... Are you fucking kidding me!? We're at the point of no return now, Leon!" Wolfe exclaimed. "I've already loosened up, just get inside already!"

"Look, whatever shit you're trying to start with me, I've had enough of it. I'm not going inside you for some stupid game." Leon said with a hint of hurt, though he can't understand why that is.

It must have hurt his pride being played by a man like Wolfe Fang.

Wolfe gritted his teeth, this time pushing Leon back. "So it's just all over!? All that for nothing!?"

"Yes." Leon said, his face completely apathetic.

"No. I won't let you back out now, Leon. Not when I know I would win this game." Wolfe said, as he suddenly rummaged the drawers one by one, looking for something.

Leon sighed. "What now? What are you up to now, Wolfe Fang----"

"This!" He exclaimed with bright eyes when he found what he was looking for.

It was....

Anal beads. With 5 beads getting bigger and bigger with the largest being about 3 inches in diameter, and a tail ring to pull on at the end of it.

Leon blinked. "Why in the world do they have that----"

"It's a Couple's bedroom. Not just any couple's bedroom, a bedroom made exactly for 'coupling'. Of course they'll have toys like this. They have lube and condom prepared, it makes sense." Wolfe said.

"You don't want to put it in? Fine. I will do it myself and still get you to cum, just wait and see."

"Wait, is this even hygienic?" Leon was completely incredulous. "What if someone else already used it, like seriously, what the hell---"

Wolfe inserted the first bead, which was just as as big as the first joint of his thumb, but still moaned from it.

"Nngh, of course they must have cleaned or changed it. Hopefully." Wolfe said, breathing hard as he entered the next one.

Leon could still not believe he's seriously doing this. "Even so, why would you risk doing something like this!? I don't fucking understand, Wolfe Fang---"

"I don't want to lose. I don't ever want to lose, Leon. You may have been used to knowing me as some meek and shy kid back then, but I've grown up to be someone that don't take competitions lightly."

He had inserted all five already, and made a triumphant grin as he went nearer towards Leon and took his hand. "You're not the one in control of what happens tonight. I am. You agreed so I'm not letting you back out now."

He traced Leon's lips with the tip of his tongue, and guided his hand towards the tail ring. He continued kissing him, and Leon could taste the alcohol from his mouth, making him feel like he couldn't breath.

Wolfe then whispered softly in between breaths and kisses. "Pull on it."

"What?" Leon was completely entranced, not knowing what's going on anymore and so confused.

"Push and pull, Leon Mo. Do as I say." Wolfe commanded with much authority. "Pull it now!"

Leon did not know what came over him, whether it was that intoxication from Wolfe's lips, or the full authority on his voice, but in the end...

He did pull on it.

Going in and out, in and out. Wolfe gasped at the first pull, then continued gasping lightly and making sweet sounds.

"F-Fuck..." He cursed while grabbing Leon's shoulder and digging his nails on them. "That's... hah....mmm..... that's not so bad at all....."

Leon stared at his face, trying to see any signs of deceit or mockery in them. Trying to see if Wolfe was just acting. But no.

The look of pleasure on his face was real, completely red from his cheeks to his neck and to the tip of his ears.

Wolfe continued moaning so closely to him, and whn he looked up with that sultry expression, his eyelashes having tiny beads of water in them, Leon almost froze.

"You're crying. Does it hurt?" Leon asked with a softness that he didn't like hearing from himself.

"Kind of.... But in a good way." Wolfe said, with that thin cat-like smile. "Don't stop."

Leon continued, as if completely hypnotized by those teary eyes. His hands moved, but he never looked away from Wolfe's face.

"Haha, look. You're really hard right now.... Ah..... I was right..... nn....." Wolfe Fang said, and went to seduce him with more kisses.

"Wolfe Fang.... I don't understand you at all." Leon said, though he doesn't really mean it.

Deep down he knows, but he wants to keep denying it and blame it on the alcohol.

The actor just chuckled at this, and he just went over to nibble on Leon's ear and whisper.

"And I understand you too much, Leon. More than I would like, maybe even more than yourself."

He then whimpered even louder, and said. "Go faster..... Hah... It feels so good.... Why does it feel so good..."

That was also the same question running on the bewildered lion's mind. Why does his kisses and his touch and the faces he makes....

All feel so good?

He did went faster, wanting to make Wolfe cum so this torture would be over.

But as he did so, Wolfe clung on to him even tighter and bit on to his neck----


It all came out too sudden, too fast, that it was so embarassing for it to come so quickly.

Wolfe looked up at him and he had also let go. The wolf looked at his own stomach splattered with white, and made a satisfied smile because of it.

Leon lifted his chin up, his eyes burning with something deep inside.

"You won. Are you happy now? Can I pull it all out?"

Wolfe nodded, smiling ear to ear, but as Leon pulled out----

"A-Ahhhh!" He gasped as he too had spilled on Leon's stomach.

He reddened at this. "I-I still won, okay? And it wasn't you that made me feel good anyway, it was the beads---Mpfh!"

Leon kissed him and grabbed him closer, making their bodies press together and the sticky fluid in their abdomen mixing together.

"If you ever pull a stunt like this again, Wolfe Fang, I'll make sure you regret it." He said as he let go, tone becoming deep and serious. "Now go clean up, I'll go after you. After that, no more nonsense, we just sleep."

Wolfe gulped, losing his earlier bravado. "O-Okay..."

And that was how the night truly ended.

When Leon remembered it, he felt conflicted feelings.

When Wolfe remembered it, he could only feel shame and mutter to himself. "Fucking beads..."
