
The curtain falls for the grand opening

Unknown PoV

No matter the era, mankind has always been more interested in the future. No matter how bad it is now or how much they possess , humans always wanted to have something better, to improve their worth.

Before it was having more food, having a better home, or even a better animal skin that puts them above the rest. Then it became about who had more money, gold, and silver. The conflict of riches finally gave birth to the current era of kingdoms.

Now rather than a few men, entire kingdoms fought each other for lands, riches, and glory. I never thought there was glory in warfare. Thousands savagely killing each other for a piece of land that can never bring anybody glory or honor.

All it brings is sadness, destruction, and death. So I hoped one day, people could truly understand each other, so that they never had to fight. That dream died with my family. My father, he was someone people feared; he was a monster to them after all. But I never saw a monster in him when I would rush to greet him as he returned home from war.

But one day, he chose not to fight, which earned the wrath of a king. Fearing his strength, the king chose to believe his bootlickers rather than his subordinate. After all, who would believe or care for a monster?"

After his death, my family was destroyed, our wealth and home being snatched by greedy people. I was left alone, maybe because I was just a child.

I gave up hope in humans and thought to live just for the sake of living. But it changed. All of it changed when I met my master, the man who I would consider not just my lord, but also my family. A man even my father called an "Unfathomable genius."

Meanwhile, in the capital

Everyone cheered as the results from Sanyou arrived. This conquest was a great step towards their goal of unification. Ministers discussed the rewards and and award ceremony. Ei Sei sat on his throne tensely, contrary to everyone's happy faces, his was filled with tension and nervousness.

Flashback, a few hours ago

EiSei in his chambers was currently reading some documents as a messenger arrived and handed a letter with an unique seal. He opened it to find out it was a letter from Changan. Only one man would send a letter from there. He nervously read the letter and was shocked at the contents.

The letter went like this:

Greetings, your majesty

I hope you are healthy and well. I'm writing today to congratulate you and also warn you about something that involves the fate of Qin. The conquest of Sanyou will trigger a serious reaction from the rest of the kingdoms, as they have realized your desire by now.

There will be a great hardship awaiting Qin when all of them unite against us, to stop us before we are too strong. There is a great possibility of a coalition being formed against Qin. My lord has monitored the other kingdoms and found that all of them have been stockpiling food and steel.

I urge your majesty to strengthen the central Qin while reorganizing the border troops. North needs no additional soldiers, so take them all and post them near Hangu Pass as a line of defense.

Also command the generals to train additional new troops, totaling at least 50,000 or more. Furthermore, send some officials to the new province of Huainan. My lord thinks the area can be easily cut off by Chu and Han, making us lose the entire region; it can even become a buffer state for Chu if not checked well. There are many spies from other states, so make any preparations top secret and hidden.

I hope you can weather this storm and prove once again that you are the chosen king that will unify these lands as my lord believes. 

Yours faithfully

Zhuge Liang

**Flashback end**

Ei Sei realized the danger of the situation and decided that he would follow the instructions and make preparations as soon as possible. He started to make preparations slowly, as well as the kingdoms that prepared for a different purpose.

Across the lands, whispers of Qin's growing power reached every court. Yet, even as Qin celebrated its recent victory in Sanyou, shadows gathered in the courts of its rival states. While the common people tended to their fields and craftsmen forged tools of war, the rulers of the remaining kingdoms communicated in secret, Riboku becoming an intermediary between them.

Kantan, Zhao

In Zhao, the court convened in the grand hall of Handan. Riboku, the celebrated strategist known for his cunning and foresight, stood before King Daoxiang and his assembled ministers.

"Your Majesty, and honored lords," Riboku began, his tone calm but urgent. "The state of Qin has revealed its hand. Their conquest of Sanyou is not the end but the beginning. If we do not act now, their ambition will devour all of us, one state at a time."

The ministers murmured among themselves, some nodding in agreement while others hesitated. The king leaned forward with a disinterested look. "What do you propose, Riboku?"

"A coalition war," Riboku said, his voice resolute. "One united force, comprising the armies of all six states. Together, we can outnumber and outmaneuver Qin. Divided, we will fall."

"But can we trust the others?" a skeptical minister asked. "Chu schemes against us even now, and Wei is as unsteady as a reed in the wind."

Riboku turned to the doubters. "If Qin succeeds, there will be no Chu, no Wei, no Zhao. Only Qin. Their ambition is clear. For our survival, we must set aside old grudges and stand as one."

The room fell silent as the weight of Riboku's words settled over them. Finally, King Daoxiang nodded and waved his hand as he left for his chambers, "Send envoys to Chu, Wei, Han, Yan, and Qi. We will contact them and find out their stance first.."

King Kaolie of Chu welcomed Zhao's proposal, seeing it as an opportunity to strike at Qin while fortifying Chu's position. He summoned his top general, KouEn, who advised:

"Chu's strength lies in its vast resources and disciplined troops. We should strike from the south, using our fertile lands to sustain a prolonged campaign. Qin's supply lines are their weakness—cut them, and their armies will falter." Meanwhile, Pang Tong, the great strategist offered that they must destroy the Tou and Moubu army first to not leave any surprises, and attack Qin swiftly. Both of their suggestions were sound, which left the king in a dilemma.

In Daliang, the Wei court was divided. Some ministers argued for neutrality, fearing betrayal by the other states. However, the persuasive words of Riboku's envoy and the advice of General Gohoumei turned the tide.

Gohoumei insisted. "If we hesitate, we will be isolated when Qin turns its gaze eastward. We have already lost Sanyou. Let us bolster our defenses along the Yellow River and prepare for war. If we ally with the others, we won't suffer too much damage. " 

In the corner of the court, an old man with a sinister face just sighed and whispered, " If these guys can think of this strategy, wouldn't he be able to forsee it too ? What a diseaster it will be if this fail." He then decided to say nothing and quietly left.

The small but strategically vital state of Han agreed reluctantly. King Huanhui listened to his ministers and General Rakua'Kan, who warnedhim, "Han's survival depends on this coalition. Alone, we are but a stepping stone for Qin. With the alliance, we can leverage our central position to disrupt their movements." Guo Jia on the other hand, proposed, " We are the smallest and weakest nation, what makes you think Chu or Zhao will agree to divide the lands once it's over? If we lose our army here, It'll be for certain that Han will perish. Did you forget, Qin still has that man who's calmly watching from Changan?" His words made everyone ponder about their decision.

In the distant northern court of Yan, King Xi considered the proposal. General Ordo advocated joining the coalition, suggesting a flanking strategy from the northeast to divide Qin's forces. Meanwhile, the advisor Fa Zheng proposed a wait and see approach and not commit everything early. But they all agreed, Yan should join this war.

The wealthy state of Qi hesitated, wary of committing resources. However, the pressure from Riboku's envoy and the prospect of being left out of the alliance and missing the profit pushed King Min (He and Ousen share same name, so had to use his title) to agree. 

Danyang, Chu

In the grand halls of Chu, King Kaolie sat surrounded by his advisors. Maps lay scattered across the table, each marking Qin's recent conquests. Pang Tong pointed to Hangu Pass and said, "They will most probably fortify this region once it starts," he said, his voice resolute. "If Qin holds it, their defense will be nearly invincible. We must strike before their defenses are complete."

The king nodded but turned to his chancellor Chunshinkun. "And what of our allies? Will Han and Qi join us?"

"They are still hesitating, your highness," Chunshinkun replied. "Their rulers fear Qin but fear the other kingdoms more. Only a decisive move will unify them under a single cause."

King Kaolie leaned back, deep in thought. "Then we must act first. Send word to Han and Qi. Tell them that Chu will march to crush Qin's ambitions. They must choose whether to join us or be swallowed by us once we defeat Qin."

3rd Person PoV

Months have passed, and the coalition's plans remained mostly hidden from Qin's court, apart from a few. During this time, a shocking event happened in Qin. General Ousen, one of Qin's most brilliant generals, betrayed Qin. His loyalty to Qin had always been questioned, as his ambition was too great, his actions too calculated. But nobody predicted an outright rebellion at a time like this.

In the dead of night, emissaries from Chu arrived at Ousen's camp, bearing the message that it was time to act. They proposed a new kingdom, one free from the constraints of Qin's rule. A kingdom where Ousen could reign as king as he always desired, with Chu and Han as allies. It will span over the territories that Qin took from Chu.

Ousen, under the guise of leading Qin's forces to stabilize the Huainan area, withdrew his troops and marched south to Shouchun directly. In a stunning and unprecedented move, he took over the region, and he declared the formation of the Kingdom of Ren, claiming the fertile lands of Huainan as its heart. Chu sent soldiers near Badong, who crossed the river without any obstacles, which basically cut off any influence Qin had in the region, not to mention these lands belonged to Chu shortly before. His betrayal sent shockwaves through Qin.

Shouchun, Kingdom of Ren

From the high walls of Shouchun, the newly declared capital of the Kingdom of Ren, Ousen gazed out at the fertile plains of Huainan. The fields stretched far and wide, a sea of green that promised bountiful harvests and endless resources for his fledgling kingdom. Yet his expression remained inscrutable, his mind constantly calculating the next move.

Ousen had always known his ambitions could not be confined by the service to another king. Qin's relentless drive for unification did not align with his own vision of power. He knew if this went on, his dream of becoming a king will not be achieved. His betrayal was merely grasping his last opportunity. Chu's offer to support his kingdom had simply been the final push he needed to act.

 Ousen surveyed his new domain. The lands of Huainan offered abundant resources and a good population, and with Chu's backing, Ren stood as a formidable barrier against Qin. The size of the area was comparable to Han and Wei combined together.

"My lord," Denrimi said, "Chu has sent reinforcements to secure our borders. The coalition moves to pressure Qin from all sides."

Ousen nodded, his expression unreadable. "Let them come. Qin has underestimated me for the last time. Now, I carve my destiny not as a servant of kings, but as a king myself."

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting the plains in hues of gold and crimson, Ousen turned to his trusted lieutenant.

"Have we received any reports about him?" Ousen asked, his tone calm yet laced with an underlying tension.

Akou hesitated before replying, "You mean… that guy in North?"

Ousen nodded. "Yes. General KouRyu."

Ousen was not a man who underestimated even the smallest threats. He had seen too many times how a single unpredictable factor could unravel even the most carefully laid plans. His opponent being the prime example. KouRyu's unorthodox tactics and influence in the Qin court worried him more than the seasoned generals like Tou or MouBu.

"Do you believe he will come for us?" the lieutenant asked.

Ousen's lips curled into a faint smile. "Not yet. But when he does, it will not be with brute force. Men like him strike where you least expect. Ensure our supply lines are protected, and increase the patrols near the mountain passes. If he is as clever as I suspect, he will target what we value most our people's loyalty and our resources. He will be in a hurry after all."

KouRyu's rise had been unconventional, his intellect and cunning earning him a reputation as a master of misdirection and adaptability. Ousen had received reports of his ability to exploit even the smallest weakness, turning minor skirmishes into decisive victories.

"What makes him dangerous," Ousen thought, "is not his strength or sheer genious, but his unpredictability. A man like KouRyu is a storm—he will not follow the expected path."

Ousen leaned back in his chair, his fingers steepled before him. He recalled the reports and from his memories, KouRyu's tactical use of deception, his ability to read not just battlefields but the minds of his opponents. Ousen knew that the battle against KouRyu would not merely be one of armies but of minds. He relished the challenge, even as he prepared for the possibility of failure. For Ousen, the war was more than survival, it was a test of his vision, his will, and his ability to be a king.

Kanyou, Qin

In Kanyou, the Qin court erupted in chaos. Ministers shouted over one another, their voices a cacophony of fear and anger. Prime Minister Lü Buwei addressed the court grimly, "This betrayal is a grievous wound to Qin, but we cannot afford to panic. We must stabilize our borders and prepare for the inevitable assault. Ousen would never fight a losing battle, that means he has someone backing him, possibly Chu and Han."

King Ei Sei, calm but visibly strained, rose from his throne. "Summon General Tou and General Moubu. We will crush Ousen's rebellion and fortify our borders against any nation that seek to benefit from this. Qin will never tolerate this betrayal."

Moubu and Tou gathered an army of 120,000 and marched towards Shouchun, but they never managed to get past the blockade near Badong. Chu and Ousen's army defended the area well and the Han soldiers used sneak attacks and poison to disrupt them. This made the battle a stalemate, as Tou refused to charge forward like Moubu suggested. Tou knew something was not right there, so he sent a message describing the situation.

The Qin royal court was tense after receiving Tou's letter. Ei Sei pondered how to break the deadlock. He needed to find a solution while not further weaking the defense forces. The risk was too great . Meanwhile, Lu Buwei was just sitting there nonchalantly, watching the drama as played with a coin.

Ei Sei decided to rise up and speak. " Do not be alarmed. The battle is a stalemate, which means they are also afraid to leave their defenses and attack us. Other wise, they would have surrounded and trapped both armies. We can still win this and resore our honor. The people of Qin won't admit defeat so easily. I won't admit defeat like this. We will figure out a solution with all of our collecctive efforts."

The court fell silent, awed by the king's determination. Yet, beneath the surface, doubt lingered. Could Qin survive the coalition of six states and the betrayal of one of its greatest generals?

Amidst the mix of chatters and whispers, the court door opened dramatically . Everyone fell silent, thinking who would be bold enough to enter the court in such manner. Their silence turned into shock when a young man wearing a dragon armor entered the room in slow and steady steps, casting a huge shadow in the place, followed by a handsome looking scholar holding a feather fan and a young boy around 17-18 years old, wearing a general's armor, specially his face attracted attention as most of them remembered a man who looked similarly like him.

The man smirked and asked, " Why is everyone so shocked to see me ? It's not like I'm dead or anything." 

Ei Sei smiled and walked towards the man and replied, " After the stunt you pulled before, that seems a rather normal guess, Great general KouRyu." 

Lü Buwei also laughed loudly and approached him. " It seems Qin is really in a bind this time, even making someone like you to arrive here. How long has it been since I've last witnessed you here in this armor?"

KouRyu curtsied and replied, " It has been quite some time indeed. I'm glad to see you are still energetic as ever Prime minister. I wish we could have met under better circumstances" To which Lu Buwei waved his hand replied, " Seeing you healthy and well is already a great gift."

KouRyu then smiled at Ei Sei with a nod and then turned towards the court and declared, " The betrayal of Ousen is just the first event. What follows afterwards is the main course. Qin stands on the brink of diseaster if Ousen and Chu grasps that region completely. Then all the nations will invade and tear us apart. If that comes to pass, all of Qin will suffer. " 

He then cracked his neck and continued, "Since it has already come to this, let me take care of Ousen and you guys concentrate on defending Qin. I needed the exercise anyway, after sitting in home for years." 

Lu Buwei looked surprised but then chuckled and said, " As expected of you. You are still carefree as ever, old friend. With your return, I can go and relax without any worries." 

Ei Sei also smiled and clasped his hands, " Then I shall leave everything to you and await your good news, Heavenly Dragon General. May good fortune be with you."

At this moment, without any prompt, all the courtiers from both factions kneeled and shouted, " May good fortune be with you General KouRyu. We await your triumphant return!"

Many years later, from the Shiji records, archelogists found a single paragraph describing this reaction at Kanyou after KouRyu's arrival: "Nobody would believe that these people were in despair a few moments ago, almost losing hope, their heads hung low. But now, they now looked filled with pride, and certain of their victory. 

Such was the charm of General KouRyu, whose mere presence exuded confidence and brilliance. The man who was revered by every citizen of Qin as undefeatable and their symbol of overwhelming might. "

** End of Volume 2**

And done ! Its a wrap on Volume 2. I think I could have stretched it, but this feels much nicer and simple to read. and Our Mc finally appears on the stage once again.

Now we come to the fun part, Ousen VS KouRyu, Qin VS the rest of the six kingdoms.

Virtuossocreators' thoughts