
The Whispers Begin 1

Duke Shenxiu Residence, The Bamboo Courtyard. Lv Ming's Room.

Pengfua dismissed all the maids in the room and stood by her Mistress's side. She glanced at Lv Ming's pale face and sighed. Squatting by her mistress side, Pengfua held her hands and called softly, "young miss! young Miss!"

Lv Ming looked down at her maid, "Pengfua, how does he know about the letters? How long have known!"

Pengfua fell back eyes wide as Lv Ming screamed and pushed her away. She looked at the door to check if there was anyone at the door. 

Lv Ming shook her head as she ran her hands through her hair and mumbled to herself, "how does he know about the letters?".

Pengfua stood and walked to her mistress and placed her hand on Lv Ming's shoulder, "please calm down, young miss".
