
112 - Dagger Mind Games

Ny'ka went to Ka'el that night as the Heir had ordered, only to find out that he was with someone.



What was she doing here? Why was she here? How long has she known about Ka'el? How did she get here?

Why was she here?

By Ina, what had she told him?!

The White glow of the crescent moon above glimmered down on them through the shadows of the scanty leaves of the tall trees around them. The smile on Tsiri’s face was plain for Ny'ka to see, just as obvious as the doubt that dotted Ka’el’s eyes.

What had she told him?!

“Is it true?” Ka'el asked, his fist tightening around the small bag he had in his hand. She wondered what was in that bag but his next words made her aware of the greater problem she had before her. “Are you just fooling me?” He asked as his free hand anchored around Tsiri’s waist, making her smile widen.

Disappointment flashed in Ny'ka's eyes and she frowned, blatantly ignoring Tsiri.
