
Chapter 61 - Someone Is Watching

It had been three days since Belladonna had arrived in Inaymi, three days since Aniya had tried to help her sister and fix their failing relationship, three straight days of complete rejection.

Belladonna was very busy, she was always visiting the homes of the past brides and fulfilling their quests.

It was an ironic thing for Aniya to watch, considering that her sister was a bride herself.

She seemed so tired too.

There were bags beneath her eyes, and Aniya noticed no matter how hard she tried to hide them with a smile.

She wished she could help, do something and for once feel useful towards her, but Belladonna obviously didn't trust her with anything.

Could she blame her though?


If she were in her shoes, she would do the same. She wouldn't trust her, not after every scheme she and her mother had pulled to take her to where she was today. She would trust no one.

But her sister cared, her coldness couldn't hide it.
