
Chapter 25 - Oh, Dear Ghost Mother

It was barely a whole day, and Nadia already felt closer to her mother than she had ever felt to her Granny.

Ever since she had stepped into the forest, she hadn't left her side, except to attend to nature's call and then she was back.

Kestra had so many stories to tell her daughter, so much to say in such a limited time. Things would have been really different if they had been together. Life would have been perfect.

"So who is my father?" Nadia had asked.

She knew her mother used to be the King's Right-hand woman and they used to be close, it made her wonder how strong their relationship was and if she had been a product of it.

To her utmost disappointment, she wasn't. Not only that, but her mother didn't even know who her father was. The feeling stung for Nadia but she left it slide. She was too happy to take offense to anything right now.
