
Chapter 83 - Now, You See Me...

"How dare you?! You are such a liar."

"And you've been nothing but a saint. Do you really think me stupid, that I will take off my necklace and have you do with me as you please." She folded her arms across her, standing straight.

"I am going through pain."

"And that is exactly what I want. To punish you for everything you have done. You violated me, disrupted my thinking with your powers."

"They were not even real. None of it. It was all an illusion." Then a slight pause. "Why would I even want to touch. You are all undesirable humans!"

Belladonna scoffed, her breath a little shaky with relief.

"I'm no use to you like this. Take off that stupid thing."

"Lies! You are bound to your words by a bloodoath. Now shed your skin."

A defeated sigh.

