

"I'm sure you already know I am a Telamur citizen, too," Leo professed. 

The whistle of the air isn't good. With the danger of the crowd revolting violently to the soldiers of Idris, the air will waft the smell of blood. It wouldn't be good to stay here for a while. But as Zella and Leo wrapped up a conversation that might not be repeated again, it's a rare occasion he doesn't want to get by. 

"I also have the Tempus Moneda, and the light blinking on your wrist happens to me every so often. I just made it stop when I landed on Jeremy's mansion, and got guaranteed to be hidden above the clouds," Leo's voice lowered down. He scrunched his combat boots at the land's surface, and pursed his lips. 

A stone getting kicked at the nearest tree didn't have a single impact on its sturdiness. 
