
Gun Shooting

Vincent and Etienne came up next. Zella was on the bench, watching their bullets cutting through the air, as if it's a natural thing to do. Vincent didn't even blink an eye and steady his arms, straightening them out to grasp the handle, and sharp eyes glued to the shooting range.

Etienne has done it on another way. He faced his left side, extend his arm and let one hand support another. Randall and Jon Cho were on the other side of the room, talking about the plans they have for the fugitives, as Leo stayed by his wife's side.

"Does Etienne always do that?" Zella couldn't help but to blurt out.

"What?" Leo didn't break off his stare from Etienne's and Vincent's positioning. They're already a professional trainer and shooter when it comes to guns. No one should be able to dictate what they can't or can do.

The advantage of a straight position was always the aim. If they don't know how to focus on the target, their bullet wouldn't be a precise cut.

Leo has learned everything when he was still a child. No one had trained him until Jeremy Tyran came. Like he said, being with Jeremy is like having a father. A figure he looked up into and leaned on when everything has turned bad.

With the gun shooting training, they discussed what their mistakes were and worked on their way to perfection. Leo only has a few, and now, every bullet he triggered on was already concise.

"He found himself comfortable doing the left standing. You know, we have our own pace on learning the bullets and the guns to pull trigger in. Once we get used to its heaviness, we worked on how we handle it like a pro," Leo explained. Zella nodded, obtaining this kind of knowledge as learning for today.

She watched as Vincent pulled the trigger, and resisted the strength of the gun to topple out of his hand. The bullet straight cut through the center, and it made Randall and Jon Cho clapped. Etienne's turn, and it's the same.

The two of them simultaneously shoot, and no one even missed the bulls' eye.

"Wow, they're very great." Randall and Jon Cho finished their training earlier. What Zella wanted was the knives, but they had a schedule for it. Today, they're doing the gun shooting. Zella applauded along with the members as Vincent and Etienne bumped their hands on each other, satisfied with their performance.

Leo called out, "You two should throw a party today. Both Randall and Jon Cho can't beat the two of you."

Randall and Jon Cho walked up in the middle of the shooting range, meeting halfway with Vincent and Etienne. The four of them hissed, clapped on each other's backs, and retrieved their water bottles to satisfy their thirst.

"You should train with Laina, Leo. I heard she wanted to shoot guns again." Jon Cho played it well. He turned to Zella with a smile, and she perked up, pointing at herself. Randall nodded along with his comrade.

Leo couldn't help but to grin. As Etienne and Vincent took a seat down on the line, they observed their boss' face. His smile was reaching ear-to-ear. No one can plaster it away from him as long as he's with Zella.

Leo doesn't have the right to back down his shield or everyone will know he's not a real husband.

"Can I do that, my husband?" Zella turned to Leo with glimmering eyes. It made Vincent choked the water he's gulping down. Right after she said it, Leo turned to him with glare. Zella got worried about his colleague, but Etienne was the one who attended Vincent's gesture.

He wiped the corners of his lips, receiving menacing stares from Randall and Jon Cho. They even raise one of their eyebrows to say that it's downright rude to splash his water down to the wall. Leo cleared his throat, laughing along as he knew Zella might pick it up as something insulting.

"Of course, my wife," Leo answered. It made Etienne and Vincent glance at each other, making them sick to see how lovey-dovey the fake lovers had been. Right now, no one can separate them. They're both breathing the same words, and the same perception in what they call as forbidden love.

As soon as he patted his wife's shoulder, he turned to the Cassanos, dismissing, "You can all go back to what you're doing for the Sunday afternoon. I'll spend my time with my wife all night."

They knew its coming. No one can actually change their minds if they had been blinded with love. Leo was fine with it, so they should, too. Even though there's someone waiting to receive an order to kill them, Leo wouldn't mind.

As long as he could protect Zella from the authorities who wanted to take her down, just that alone and Leo would move. He's not reckless as he was before. He'd keep from having a little to no time with himself, planning out to kill the runaways, or even plotting the plans out to smoothly get rid of the fugitives.

Right now, no one has knock out a sense to him.

If he continued to be illogical with love, Cassanos would be in danger.

"Talk to us later, Leo. We're going to oblige for now, but we have something to say to you," Randall spoke up. He was the only one Leo listened into. Good thing he's here to save their faces.

Leo nodded, pertaining to the door, watching them as they stood up from the floor and gather their things. They all bowed down their heads as Zella admired their courteousness. No one has been that decent to their boss as the ones she lived well.

As soon as the secret door is closed, Leo turned to Zella, nodding at the gun shooting counter, asking, "Should we go?"

Two hours after, Zella got the gist of holding the gun. She's still afraid to pull it without Leo's guidance. It's now or never.

If she really wanted to learn, Zella had to study over time.

Leo was there to guide her all the time.

"Try to focus on me." It dissipated the purpose of training when Leo planted a kiss on her bare shoulder. Zella folded her arms, feeling Leo's breath on her bare skin, and the steady touch he has around her waist.

Zella asked, "Why are you torturing me?"

"Hm? Torturing?" he breathed. Leo pulled her closer, touching the middle of her abdomen. Zella locked the gun right away and put it by the counter.

She turned to him, her face an inch closer, replying, "That."

"What's that?"

Leo has no choice but to answer his hesitation. He kissed her torridly.

Kissing is much more greater than focusing.

Kyrie_Sunbaecreators' thoughts