
A Million Devotion

As the electrifying cheers of the masses surged around me, I couldn't deny the rush of power and ego that coursed through my veins.

The sight of hundreds of thousands of people crying out for my name was an indescribable experience.

Yet, with the city now under my dominion, there remained one last crucial step to take.

I raised my hand, and gradually, their deafening cries began to subside until a profound silence enveloped the entire city.

Every pair of eyes was fixed on me, filled with anticipation, and some even trembled in their eagerness to hear my words.

I knew what I had to ask, and it was a pivotal moment.

"With such a future beyond your imagination," my voice rang out like a clap of thunder.

"Do all of you submit yourselves to me?"

My gaze was focused primarily on the women in the crowd, and they seemed to understand the gravity of my question.

The response was immediate and overwhelming.


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