
The Ceremony

Helix smiled as his three partners walked down the aisleway, stunning every guest in Alzeria.

The smiles on their faces were breathtaking and showed how much they cared about him.

Marie sent him bright smiles and looked at the floor for charming effect.

Riley had light tears in her eyes, confused about how she ended up on the aisle with the other two but eternally grateful.

Charlotte walked with a smirk, knowing that Alzeria was about to have a state-sponsored harem wedding between them.

Better, while Marie and Riley had bright white dresses highlighting their hair and eyes, Charlotte had a crimson cocktail dress that was nothing short of derisive.

Combined with the fake glasses on her face, she was walking around taunting wealthy aristocrats everywhere.

Marie was overcome with emotions. She had never been so happy in her life.

Somehow she got kidnapped from Earth and found her true love.

Someone who was a nerd like her.
