

"Let's go over everything one last time." Helix requested.

His partners gave him a nod.

"There is a potential hibernation zone for Lagrocks thirty miles west of the Alzerian Capital." He began.

"It's in the Iko Forest in a rocky area.

Grandmaster Linus should know of the area and its potential for hibernation and have texts backing up our claim."

The group nodded again in understanding.

"Lagrocks are tall by the third evolution, making them 25 feet tall.

A fourth evolution would be 40-50 feet tall, making every step cover a long distance.

They stand on two legs and can jog, so getting close to the city shouldn't be too hard before the army can fully mobilize." Helix explained.

"It still won't be easy. Every step will cause serious problems, so we need to ensure that we don't make any mistakes."

"W-What the fuck is that thing!" A soldier roared on top of the city gates.
