
[Otaku Delights]

—For the other sixty-five Earthians in this arena….—

"My name is Helix Hellsgate Margrave, and it's a pleasure to meet you for the first time!"

Confusion rippled through the super-otakus.

"Since I don't know who you are, we can be friends!" Helix yelled.

"It means that I can help you train and grow!"

The fifteen people that didn't send him Circles of Remembrances' eyes lit up with surprise and understanding.

Helix turned to the weebs.

"My time with you will be short. However, so long as you're in Alzeria, you don't have to worry about a single person harming you!"

All forty-five sets of eyes widened with shock.

"This man was going to abuse as many people as he wanted." Helix pointed out.

"Ladies! If this man ever gave you a creepy look… you're welcome."

An icy chill ran down their spines, and their bodies flooded with anxiety.

"Men! If you ever had beef with this man… you're welcome."

The men shook. Most weebs hated Ronka.
