

"Would you ladies like to read a book with me tonight?" Helix asked.

"A book?" Marie asked.

"Yeah. I feel silly for saying this… but I just learned the Myriad library has fiction books." He chuckled.

"Hah. Leave it to Hellie to use the Myriad library for everything except checking out books." Charlotte chuckled.

"I'd love to listen to you read." Riley replied softly.

"Excellent. Come cuddle up." Helix requested with a warm smile as he sat on the bed.

Riley's eyes lit up.

Helix found her cute expressions endearing.

"Shotgun!" Charlotte announced.

"That's not how that… never mind.

I was already cuddling. So…." Marie stuck out her tongue.

"Tch." Charlotte huffed.

"Charlotte, let's lay horizontally.

I'll put my head on his stomach; you take his lap?" Riley requested.

"Riley, you're an angel." Charlotte declared with sparkling eyes.

Marie was very happy to be pressed against his chest.

"Alright. I was thinking of choosing a folktale or a myth.
