

"You can't. You will end up losing yourself!" Yale said to her

"So what am I supposed to do then? Let all of them die for some thing they believe in? If I was part of those people and you were in my shoes, would you let me die?" She asked him

"Well, you're not part of them and no, I wouldn't let you die"

"Then we shouldn't let any of them die! I can't turn my back on a whole army of people that Cyrus gave purpose too. It was my job to give it to them but Cyrus got to them first and now you want me to let them die?" Beth asked him

"They are going to die either ways. Death is inevitable for a human, c'mon. Beth, you know this"

"I have to try regardless"

"And how do you intend on going about it?" Carl asked. "To me, I think Yale is right. It is unreasonable for you to try to save them. We already have so much on our hands right now"

"So, I'm supposed to just leave them at Cyrus'mercy?" She asked
