
364. Face-To-Face With Death

Sylvester knew he had a lot of gold in Chonky bank. He knew it was more than what he could spend on his own. But, for his plans for the near future, he felt that even his hidden wealth was insufficient. 

So, in the cold, harsh north, he saw a lot of hidden wealth in natural resources, from veins of precious minerals to rare plants. The best part was that he was close to the barbarians, the only people who could traverse the mountains and the various unique locations. 

So, by being a middleman, he wished to earn money without even doing much.

Elder Chief Koruk knew that the best way to earn a place among the southerners was to offer something that only they could provide. So, without much protest, he started to mark the various locations on the map. 

It took the man an hour to finish putting all the markings, but he didn't sound sure even then. "I'm sure there are more undiscovered resources in the mountains. But, this is the extent of my knowledge." 
