
chapter 16

*sigh*, this radio work is such a pain in my ass, so I'm probably going to record a message and keep it on repeat.

either that or start pre-recording messages. both were troublesome though.

I felt Eva put her hands around my neck.

"it's time to sleep," she said kissing my cheek.

"I'm coming," I said getting up from my bed and letting Eva lead me to the bed.

on our way, I saw Anna and violet already sleeping together and I decided I was going to start to train everyone tomorrow.

now the question is how HARD to train them. I can go light and train them just enough for survival, or I can train them hardcore so they would be fine walking into a nuclear explosion.

"build a training ground," I said drifting off to sleep inside Eva's hands.

I woke up still in Eva's embrace and slowly got out and got some food and went back to my room and placed it on her lap waking her up.

"morning already," she said rubbing her eyes.

"yup, now hurry up and eat. everyone is going to be training today," I said eating my toast.

"Why would we do that," she said getting up and going to the bathroom.

"so this way you guys can properly defend against other intruders or zombies," I said changing my clothes into a tank top and military pants.

"I have other things you can teach me," Eva said.

"while that would be fun, this is still something that I'd mandatory," I said putting on combat boots.

"now then, meet me next to the infirmary," I said heading to Anna and violet.

"wake up sleepyheads," I said to the two girls who were sleeping crazy together.

"five more minutes," violet said.

I yanked the blanket off the duo and watched violet get up immediately.

"nope, today is a training day," I said to her horror.

I grabbed their legs and pulled them out of bed.

"at least let me freshen up," Anna yelled.

"nope," I said taking them to the training area.

I threw them onto the sparring arena and got into position.

"I'll be teaching you guys self-defense. go ahead and pick a weapon from the rack," I gestured to the rack of weapons that appeared from the ground.

"do I-," Anna began saying.

"yes, the BOTH of you, even Eva who's on the sidelines are going to have to participate," I said as I picked up a wooden sword.

Anna a spear and violet a spear.

well, they chose their weapons so I guess it's time to put in a lot of effort to train them.

"now then attack me with the intent to kill. you don't have to worry, with your strength I wouldn't even get a single scratch," I said as I got into a fighting stance.

they didn't attack me so I went on the offense. I went after them hard, with no mercy.

if I didn't go hard they wouldn't improve, of course, I restrained myself from causing serious harm.

Eva also eventually joined us for the sparing, and even with her, I didn't go easy.

Eva seemed to like using daggers, anna had average improvement using the sword, and violet was improving rapidly with her understanding of spears.

that being said, this wasn't the only thing I did. I also went over a Google slides about the zombies.

I wanted to be the most explicit I could so their lives wouldn't be in danger when I took them out of there.

at one point in the two weeks of training, I went outside and started dragging a couple of cannibals into the property and setting up the turrets Incase his friends came.

"Now when you're out there, you also need to be aware of something. people aren't your friends. this person right here likes to eat human flesh.

this guy will continue eating more humans and zombies. this is also what I meant when I said no one outside will be your friend.

so, who's going to dispose of him," I asked.

"I will," Eva said grabbing her daggers.

"no please I promise to change," the man said begging.

Eva's eyes had a cold glare before plunging her knife into his heart.

"See that's someone who will watch your back out there. these people won't change. once the apocalypse goes full blast nobody is going to protect you.

we are barely in the first stage, and there are 10 in total. once we reach five it'll be hell on earth and I need people I can trust. so can I trust you," I said pointing towards the other two cannibals?

Anna hesitantly raised her sword before gathering the courage and plunging it into the man's chest. violet also followed her example and stabbed him in the chest.

"let's get a couple of beers on the roof," I said taking the shaking Anna and the frozen violet.

I grabbed the 12-pack and we went to the roof I grabbed the scythe just in case I needed it.

I tossed Eva a can and handed them chairs and we watched the apocalypse.

"I didn't know it was this bad," Anna said.

I handed her my binoculars and pointed.

"over there is a rippers camp, they basically worship the walkers. those are regular zombies, and you can see mutated zombies.

hell, you might even see a portal. these are the things I'm preparing you guys for. you guys have major resistance to the virus, while I'm immune to it, at least until stage three," I said.

"how do you know all of this," violet asked.

"let's just say death has fallen in love with my inhuman charm," I said flipping my head dramatically.

"I can see why," Eva said on her third beer.

"I do not," a women's voice was heard from behind us.

there was death in human form behind us with a chair and a plate of food.


oh yeah, waifu death.
