
Change in tactics (II)

"Just when I thought I had things figured out, it changes," a rueful smile appeared on Cain's face. He did not allow distraction to cloud his judgment. Pushing his focus to the limit, he tried to figure out a path forward.


The sound of massive feet cracking into the ground grew closer, each step increasing the pressure on the scarlet dragon. But his eyes remained sharp, not allowing any hesitation or distraction to cloud his thoughts. As he pushed his focus and wisdom to the limit, Cain's eyes glowed with enlightenment.

He concentrated on the strongest of the White Humanoids, channeling all his energy, bloodline force, and soul force into this one while invoking the power of Imperator. The White Humanoid trembled under the influx of power surging into its being. Then, a massive scream of agony erupted from it as a mark began to appear on its face.
