
Sun Seed's evolution (II)

While during Mind Over Body and Mind Over Wave, it was all about the size and strength of your willpower, things changed from the Third Realm forward. From Mind Over Matter, you not only had to focus on the size of your Ego Wave but also its quality, which first manifested as its evolution from an energy field to a fiery physical body of psychic energy.

Normally, the evolution of your Ego Wave from energy to physical would take decades if not centuries, but thanks to the power of the Royal Nine Heavens Ego Destruction Tribulation, Cain's willpower was able to finish its evolution to a psychic flame the moment it evolved to the Third Realm.

By all measures of quantity and quality, Cain's willpower had reached the peak of the Third Realm of the Ego Eternal Path of Power. However, to advance further, there were several things he needed to take care of first.
