

"How did your mission go?"

Duke Gigant went straight to the topic, and it was clear he was not in the mood for pleasantries.

Cain didn't really care about the man's attitude since he knew that members of the Deus Behemoth Race were much more direct than humans. He also preferred to head straight to the point when speaking.

The deal between the two was that Cain would use his position as a scout to target members of the underworld. While Duke Gigant would turn a blind eye to the recovered goods and methods, he would receive a report of the deaths and anything related to the Tier 0 Dark Factions.

Seeing the tension in the man's face, the Scarlet King chose not to hide anything and delivered a straight report of all the deaths and clues regarding the Tier 0 Dark Factions known as Ocean Wrath.

"Oh, you managed to find out a lot of information about Ocean Wrath, including the identity of several upper-echelon members. Amazing!"
