
Enhancing his forces


A scream of pain emerged from the Endless Poison Raven as the Demonic Phantom's fangs buried into its body, flooding its bloodstream with darkness that destroyed its inner organs.

Although there was immense pain in the Endless Poison Raven's eyes, it was still a Grand King Beast, and its vitality was immense. It gathered all its Life Wave to fight back, but before it could do that, a mass of shadow coalesced above its head, taking the form of a humanoid.

The Scarlet King made sure the Demonic Phantom kept the Grand King Beast paralyzed as he burned what little remained from his Ego Wave and summoned the power of the Sundering Concept, firing a sharp arc of shadows toward the Grand King Beast.

The Endless Poison Raven could not block the arc of shadows that pierced its eye and reached into its brain, making it tremble as the life of its body faded.
