

"Fight me Taylor." he repeated. "One hit. Just one and you can have the last bottle in here and rest for a bit."

"I can't fight you dad." I said. "I'm weak right now, you're more experienced. And a beta." I said matter of factly.

He raised an eyebrow brow, "I don't see the problem, I want you to do it. If you really want a drink, then you will."

"You're my Father." I said.

He raised his eye brows again "Do you want a drink or not?" He asked.

"Yes, I do." I said hoping he'd cave.

"Fight me." he said again.

Definitely not caving. "You're better experienced." I told him.

"You could get lucky." he offered. I scoffed, I couldn't even beat a bunch of regular ranked wolves, a bunch of kids my age. I had no elusions I could beat him.

"Do you want a drink?" he asked again with narrowed eyes.

"Yes." I replied. I knew where this was going but I didn't want it to.

"Fight me."

"No." I told him.

"Why?" He asked.

"You're a beta." I pointed out.

He narrowed his eyes at me and let out a cruel laugh. "So are you, or did you forget that? Now this is the last time I'm asking, Do. You. Want. A. Drink?"

I was beginning to get irritated, I was tired, hungry and thirsty. Tired!

"Dad." I growled.

He growled right back. I got into a fighting stance. "I'll take that as a yes then." he smiled.

I kept silent, I didn't have the energy to talk.

He let out a menancing growl. I felt myself go cold, the temperature dropped a couple degrees. I watched him stretch and crack his knuckles.

"Bear in mind, I won't go easy on you." he announced. I said nothing, my tongue was glued to my mouth. From fear and from thirst. It was so dry.

Here we go.

"One hit Taylor." he growled. "Just one hit."

He suddenly moved, then I felt a kick to my stomach. It sent me flying.

I gasped. He wasn't kidding.

I landed at the edge of the woods, getting up with a groan to see as he stretched his neck.

'Told you.' he said in my head.

He came at me again and again. I took hit after hit. "So this is how a punching bag feels." i croaked out.

I got up shakily, I knew I couldn't attack him head on. I had to play defense. At least I think so, maybe offense? I wasn't sure.

He came at me again, this time with a punch that I barely dodged. Without wasting a second, he came at me with a low kick. I landed on my butt, before he kicked me in the chest. Well defense didn't work. I watched him jog in place waiting for me to get up.

"Taylor." he called out. "If this was a real fight, you'd be dead. Up!"

I got up. Like he said, I needed one hit. Just one then I would get my drink and a few minutes of rest.

I made a plan in my head, while I observed him from a safe distance. With a burst of speed, I charged towards him as fast as I could. I held out my fist in a mock punch, he dodged it with a smile, before he could react I tried a backward kick. My feet didn't connect with anything. Damn it, he was fast.

He punched me again, before he could retract his fist I grabbed his hand and twisted it, till I heard a satisfying crack. Yes. It was a lucky hit, but what the hell, I would take it. I was suddenly far away from him on my butt. I didn't even see him move this time

"Ow" he motioned, his hand hung in a limp way on his wrist. I'd injured him. I couldn't help the smirk that appeared on my face.

"That doesn't count as a hit." he laughed.

He didn't even seem to be affected, that I had just dislocated his hand. I came at him again, he was guarding his injured hand now, I feigned a low kick. He jumped to avoid it, just as I expected. Using my left hand, I tried a left hook. He dodged it. I missed.

"Good, but not good enough." he said.

I said nothing. "What is it, cat got your tongue?"

I jumped back before he could land a kick. That was close. My adrenaline shot up. I ran at him again, feigning left I went for his injured hand. I grabbed it barely dodging a blow. I couldn't react before he went for my sides with his knee. I let out a pained howl as I heard a crack. "Now we match sweetheart." he declared breathlessly.

He came at me again, I was slower than I was already. What was I going do? I couldn't win by just dodging. I was wearing out. Facing him head on didn't work. I ran at him again, he frowned dodging my attack. I went for him again, faster. Faster. Just one hit.

He jumped away from me, "Do you even have a plan?" he asked. I charged at him again, and tried a right hook, he caught my fist.

I tried a left hook and he caught it with the same hand. I struggled for a bit, his guard was down.

This was a dirty move, but he never said I had to play fair and besides ruthlessness was sometimes the only way to survive. I hoped this worked.

I raised my knee as fast and as high as I could, then slammed it in his Crown Jewels.

I hit my mark, he let me go with a pained whimper and crashed to the ground, clutching his jewels. I used the opportunity to kick him as hard as I could in his side. It was a low blow, but there was a satisfying crack as I pulled away. "Did THAT count Dad?" I asked breathlessly.

"Yes." he croaked, still very much in pain.

As soon as he said that, I ran out of steam and collapsed beside him. "I think" he whimpered next to me, "Class is dismissed, good one Taylor."

"Thank goodness." I said.

We lay on the ground together, then he got up slowly wincing in pain.He glared at me before walking away. I didn't have the energy, so I was stuck right there on the ground.

I felt him looking at me. "You still here?"

He came into view with a bottle of water.

"I'm sorry I kneed you dad, please don't drink it." the words rushed out.

"I'm a man of my word Taylor, get up and take your prize." I tried to get back up and I fell right back down.

"A little help?" I pleaded. He rolled his eyes and gave me his hand.

"How do you feel?" He asked. "Like road kill." I answered.

He let out a laugh. "We're just beginning, by the time I'm done, your bite is going to be a whole lot worse than your bark… or you'll be feeling like decomposed road kill, whichever one you prefer."

He handed me my prize. I unscrewed the cap and took a large gulp. It felt so good going down my throat. I removed the bottle from my lips. "Whoopee." I said half heartedly.
