

The only good thing about the whole situation for us was that the Europeans had no idea I was from the Chinese Federation. If they knew, a world war would definitely erupt right there and then.

As it were, the Europeans were more shocked than angry at that moment.

There was still an overwhelming amount of anger involved of course.

Their dignity which took the form of their Sovereign had been assaulted, and they were blitheringly furious at me.

But underneath their roiling fury was a thick layer of "What The F**k???"

It was like a professional super heavyweight boxer with bare fists considered as weapons by governments getting completely pissed off at a ten year old punk who just spat at him.

In reflexive response, his thick, and supremely powerful fist was already swinging in what would be a death blow to the punk, but even as he was doing that, he was still completely mystified and baffled as to why the frigging hell that punk dared to do what he did.
