

That's too bad the white strands was nice, because of your style I always wanted to have white hair"Nicolas chuckles,"yes you've made it clear on how much you like them"Doctor Alfred chuckles.

*******outside the hospital*******

That what I mean when I talk about gliches and life fake,like what the hell,Doc dyed his hair,bro they would be some difference,it looked like the white hair disappeared.

That's some crazy shit there, Nicolas enters the car,he switched it on as the car begins driving itself.

Nicolas looks out the window with narrowed eyes monitoring everything in movement.

Nicolas POV

if we think about it, looking at everything with a two eye frame shows more.

By two eye frame I mean carefully examming it ,like for instance looking at a particular person or object closely anough,you would catch a glich.

Nicolas rolls back up the window looking forward,his eyes fall on the steering wheel moving by itself.

Ive never really drove myself before,my auto cars did all the driving,"rachel can I drive once please"Nicolas speaks to the car.

[but why would you want to take the stress?,you know it's illegal]rachel askes," I know,i just want to do something"Nicolas explains to the car

[activating manual driving] racheal says the car steer light turn orange,[you can drive manually now boss] rachel says.

"Thanks racheal"Nicolas says as he places his hand on the steering wheel,the moment his hands made contact with the steering wheel .

A sharp pain Peirces his skull,he feels the throbbing pain from yesterday.a flash image appear in his mind for a brief moment.

Nicolas groans in pain gripping the steering wheel tightly,"arggghh"Nicolas groans.

[boss your hurting me, please loosen your grip on my wheel] Rachel pleads,"argghh,am...so-rry Rachel,do yo-u e-ven fe-el pai-n?"Nicolas groans.

The pain increased and just like that it dissappeared with the image of Nicolas driving a car taught by someone .

[activating self drive mode]Rachel says as the light of the steering wheel turn green again,she packs the car to the side.

Nicolas gets out of the car immediately panting,he enters back in the car closing the door,"what the hell was that,I've never driven before, what was that memory"Nicolas sighs.

He looks at the screen ,"am sorry for hurting you Rachel"Nicolas apologies.[it's fine boss,I was only joking anyways]rachel says.

Nicolas chuckles,"your becoming naughty huh Rachel"Nicolas chuckles,[thank you boss,may I ask what happened,you almost got us in an accident,then I would have been really hurt]Rachel says.

"Am sorry Rachel I almost recoverd a memory"Nicolas says with a grief smile, [then why are you sad master] Rachel askes.

"Because I forgot it the moment I remembered"Nicolas says ruffling his hair,[how come master?]Rachel askes confused.

"i don't know Rachel,am confused as well Rachel"Nicolas says with a sigh,"i need some rest,take me home Rachel"Nicolas adds positioning the seat to fall so he could lie on it.

*******At the research lab*******

Nicolas gets off the elevator,he heads to the kitchen to be met by a ginger hair slim girl sipping coffee in the kitchen.

"rachel what you doing here? " Nicolas askes pleased as he walks up to her scanning her.

Rachel turns around with an eye roll , Rachel was a ginger head,she had full cherry lips long curly ginger hair and aqua blue eyes,"you asked me to bring the documents for planet X23VITA" Rachel says sipping her coffee.

"wheres the documents"Nicolas says more serious this time,"its on the side table by the couch"Rachel says heading to the living room.

"who gave you my passcode by the way"Nicolas says sitting next to Rachel,"you gave me"Rachel says still sipping her coffee.

I know what you most be thinking,why is my car named Rachel,let's say I have I thing for Rachel and I don't know how to tell her cuz dating isn't allowed at the research center.

Rachel gets up heading to the kitchen to keep the cup as she walks back in grabbing her jacket.

Nicolas upon noticing that abruptly stands up, "Are you leaving?"Nicolas askes the obvious.

"yeah I've been waiting for you,I better go home now,I've given you the documents"Rachel says with a smile attempting to leave.

fuck she's leaving I can't let this opportunity slip,"rachel wait"Nicolas stops her.

Rachel turns to him,"i have to get home"Rachel says helplessly,"i know but do you really have to go"Nicolas whines.

"i have a son Nicolas"Rachel says with lifted brow.thays another reason why I've not advanced on her.

she has a son,I doubt the relationship going to work."cant Oliver take care of himself"Nicolas says with knitted brow.

"His just seven of course not"Rachel says with a face palm,"dont he have a nanny robot?"Nicolas says confused.

"He does but that doesn't make it okay" Rachel says with a shrug,"why don't we play one game before you go"Nicolas says.

"finees"Rachel says taking if her jacket, "just because your cute"Rachel says ,"cool"Nicolas heads to the kitchen grabbing some champagne.

He turns them a glass given her one,"thanks"Rachel says with a smile."so what's the g-","never I've I ever"Nicolas cuts her short.

"why that"Rachel askes confused,"i want to get to know you better,drink if you have, don't if you haven't"Nicolas explains.

"I know how it's played,let's start"Rachel says,"never I've I ever eaten meat"Rachel says,"really *drinks*" Nicolas says shocked.

"yeah am a vegetarian"Rachel explains,"i figured"Nicolas says with a nod,"your turn"Rachel says.

it's time to do this,okay time for action,"never I've I ever had sex"Nicolas says looking deeply into Rachel eyes.

Rachel stares back at him with widen eyes,"never?"she says surprised, "yes"Nicolas responded, Rachel bites her lip as she take a sip from her drink,she looks at him again with a smirk.

she gulps down her drink keeping her glass,as she smirks at him,"never I've I ever fucked a virgin"she smirks.

Nicolas gulps.

is it got in here or what,his bulge rises twitching in excitement,"you haven't"Nicolas says.

"yes"Rachel says with a wink,"i think Oliver can take care of himself,"she says with biting her lip.Nicolas gulps staring at her.
