
Chapter 247: Messages of Encouragement, Part 3

From Albert Whistler, the formerly rapacious founder and president of Whistler Land and Realty…

"You, Brave Ad 65, have taught me that to become really rich, you don't need to collect treasures. You need to collect experiences. This is what I've learned after all that ruckus regarding hawkers and strays in the Northwest District.

"And now that you're currently on leave due to most likely some personal issues, all I can say is… practically everyone in Atlanta is waiting for your comeback to the stage. While you may climb the ladder of fame, please never forget where you came from. Atlanta is for everyone who wants to achieve their dreams, and you and I are doing our own parts to foster them all."

From Elvira Thorne, the leader of the United Condo Dwellers of the Northwest…

"Whatever it is you're suffering from, Brave Ad 65, you'll have practically every Atlantan standing up for you, no matter where they live or their status in life.
