
[578] War between students.

I teleported inside Maxwell's office, it wasn't that late, so I assumed that he was still working. Like the workaholic he was. He tended to most of Predator's funds and also the dungeons we had in our jurisdiction, as well as the management of the portal we made in the labyrinth.

My assumption was correct, he was still here working...although I didn't expect him to be sipping coffee in his underwear.



I admit I was hasty in opening the portal, and perhaps I should have contacted him first...but this was not what I had expected at all. Hell, having a woman here would be more probable in my mind than this. Suffocated by the silence, and also the curiosity of this, I asked him.

"Why the underwear?"

"... Why the sudden appearance?"

He countered my question with his own. Accepting that maybe I was in the wrong, I answered.

"I need your help with something, and since it wasn't late, I thought it would be okay to just visit."
