
The Third Part

Yami's hand trembled while looking at his inventory. He was currently in the forbidden area for privacy.

"Let's do this," Yami muttered and clicked the letter open.

The letter's third part was unlocked right before his eyes. Yami didn't look at first as he prepared to read his sister's letter.

[August 4th, 2017]

[Finally, I'm free from mother's wrath. That meant I could finally play my favorite game. I missed a lot of main events and daily quests, which resulted in my rank being lowered and power behind. I became one of the weakest players in the game. I'm disappointed, but I befriended this cute boy I met while struggling to finish a dungeon boss. He helped me throughout the entire day.]

Yami was baffled at what he had read. He expected more than his sister's crush on the letter. Yami was pissed and wanted to strangle the unknown guy.

[October 12th, 2017]

[I joined Hao's squad, the boy I've met before. We called ourselves 'The Rumble,' and together, we achieved our quest and defeated the beasts one by one. Until then, no one in the game didn't know our squad.]

[November 1st, 2017]

[I had saved several valuable goods from the rewards and sold them to other players at a high price. Finally, I was earning money with my hard work. I'll be able to help provide for the family. Brother, you won't need to be far away now, come back home.]


The letter vanished from Yami's hand after reading the third part. He experienced an emotional roller coaster of regret, guilt, and despair.

"It's my fault," Yami muttered to himself. He grasped his hair and pulled them aggressively to transmit the emotional pain into physical.

"If only I — "Yami couldn't continue his words. As the firstborn child, he became a spy and experienced tremendous training to provide income for his family.

Yami knew that he couldn't leave even if he wanted. He was chained to the profession that he could not escape.

"I'm sorry, Suyin. I'm such a bad brother for leaving you," Yami clenched his fist so hard to vent his emotions. He looked at the broken ceiling while trying to prevent the tears that wanted to escape.

"You could have enjoyed your youth if I had stayed with you. Nothing like this would have happened in the first place!" Yami screamed his frustration. He scratched his head until he felt wetness on his fingers.

Yami looked at his hand and saw blood in them, but the pain was bearable to him since his chest felt more pain than the wound on his head.

Yami spent two hours sitting in the abandoned house, staring into space while blood dried on his skin. He pondered the memories with his sister and the things he could have done instead of working as a spy.

His thoughts were distracted by a phone call. The loud ringing almost sent Yami to hell from a heart attack.

"Hello?" Yami answered the call and heard loud breathing.

(Ying, can I ask you a favor?) Shun whispered on the other line.

"It's not the right time, but what is it?" Yami asked. He was not in the mood to face them due to his current condition.

(Sorry, did I disturb you? I just thought I needed to improve, and I know you can help me.)

"You want me to help you train?" Yami chuckled while shaking his head. Somehow, Shun made him forget the ache in his chest.

(... Yes, but it's okay if you're busy.)

"No, I think this is a perfect time. Come here to the forbidden area at the north side entrance. Grabbed some drinks on the way. I'm parched," Yami stated while leaning against the wall.

(Why are you — I'm not gonna ask about this. I'll be on my way after the class ends.)

"Okay," Yami ended the call and closed his eyes. He cringed at the sting in his wounds, but he didn't complain about them since he did it to himself.

Yami opened his inventory and took out his soul ring. He wore it, and his body transformed into an artificial one, and no hint of the wound was seen.

The aches on his body vanished in thin air.

Yami stood up and stretched his body like normal as if nothing had earlier.

"I should not ponder about the things I can't change," Yami muttered while getting out of the broken house. The weather was nice and not too hot in the afternoon. "I need to get strong and take you home with me, sister."

Yami smiled and walked to the entrance, waiting for Shun to arrive. It didn't take long before he saw Shun's figure from afar. He was alone and carrying a plastic bag in one hand.

"Yo, you're earlier than I expected," Yami stated with a smile.

"What are you doing here in the forbidden area? You're not an official Combatant yet. They might put you to jail if they caught you!" Shun was worried and looked around for any Combatants fighting around the area.

"I've been living here since the day I arrived, and they didn't catch me, but if they did. I'll fight them," Yami stated nonchalantly. He had thought about that situation before, and his best solution was to kill the witness to keep his identity safe.

"Don't," Shun muttered while shaking his head. He handed Yami the plastic bag that contained the goods he had bought with him. "Those are drinks and bread."

"Thanks!" Yami exclaimed and instantly drank the soda. "So tell me, what do you want to learn?"

Shun became serious. He clenched his fist while earning the strength to tell Yami what he intended to do.

"I experience problems with my skills and techniques in fighting. With the addition of my low mana, I could not hold onto the fight much longer. That's why I want you to teach me any fighting techniques to boost my aptitudes."

Creation is hard, cheer me up with powerstones! (*_*)

Monachrecreators' thoughts