
You're Going To Die

Quinn knew that Floid must've used some sort of paralyzing spell on her to make sure she doesn't move.

Quinn didn't know that it was the anesthesia that Rosavellt used to make the pain in her chest reduce that was preventing her from moving her body. The moment that anesthesia wears off, Quinn was going to feel some of the worst pain in her entire life and that might be the moment when she dies! Floid knew this and so he didn't waste any time as he decided to go ahead and say what he wanted to say!

"Who summoned you here, Quinn? I know you didn't come here the same way I did. Someone else called you here. Who was it?"

Quinn frowned as she remembered Priscilla and Quinn immediately thought about putting her hand around Priscilla's neck and choking her to death! This was all Priscilla's fault! Priscilla was the one that lied to Quinn about Floid! If Priscilla had told Quinn that Floid was actually alive then things would have gone very differently!
