

Everything was silent. 

Cadmus glanced at Blair and found her looking so nervous. 'So, now what?' Cadmus had said everything he needed to tell Blake. 

Despite that, he felt like he hadn't done much. "Please, let Blair come live with me."

Blake grunted but did not say anything. He just stared at Cadmus long and hard.

'What is he thinking? What is possibly going through his mind? Is he going to give in? What if it doesn't work out?' the latter pondered while the former contemplated, 'What if he ends up hurting Blair at some point? What if he distracts her from her studies? How can I let Blair go knowing she'll be easy prey?' 

Irina was about to speak, hoping to break the tense silence, but Blake raised a hand. "You two don't know anything about living together. I don't think you can make it on your own."
