

Colt could only watch as Montmorency scurried away, leaving him with only ten minutes to change and look presentable to the fashion-conscious Hershey.

While he's glad to have been taken in by such a kind adoptive mother, he sometimes found her way of doting on him overwhelming. She'd suffered a miscarriage more than once before, and with her and his adoptive father deciding to give up on bearing a child, they began their search for an heir to their business and other properties. 

'If it wasn't for the fact that my own family was in dire straits, I really wouldn't have batted an eye on their call for candidates.' Yet, as it happened, Colt took up this opportunity. 'Now that I'm chosen among everyone who competed for the spot, my new life consists of a series of training and meetings with my relatives.'

Still, this was better than working on so many shifts Colt could hardly spend time with his loved ones.

