
The history of Lee's ; Mr Lee's past-1

Everyone is breathless. Mr. Park without wasting a moment turns on the laser protection. Aye RI then looks at Mr. Park. Mr. Park just says that you are not safe. He then starts telling a story. Lisa with her tempers scolds Mr. Park that this is not a time for stories. Mr. Park just tells her to listen to him first.

Hieri calms her. Mr. Park then starts his story, "There was once a happy family. There were a couple who were very poor. The husband had a sister. All the three people lived in a cottage near the countryside. The man worked hard all day to feed his family. At last they only got two meals a day or sometimes even one. When one day he was at work when some men approached him and asked him to accompany them. He was hesitant but then went with them because they told him something. He went with them and came back late at night. The night was dark and there was not a single sound. He felt weak. He was pale and his lips were blue.

When he reached home his sister and wife were scared to death. The gave him some milk which was from the wife's portion. The sister asked to why he looked so pale to which he replied, You are going to have a better and outstanding life. The wife and sister were confused. He then explained that he was an heir to a wealthy family but was kidnapped when young. He was abused there and even was assaulted sometimes. Tears rolled from his eyes and a quite crying was heard every night. When one day a kind lady who came to the brothal for some bussiness as she was about to demolish the brothel and construct a school over it. The lady offered him some help but he was hesitant. After a while he agreed thinking that how much worse life can be? The lady turned out to actually his benefactor. She would keep him as his son. The lady had no children., His husband died in a thunderstorm. She was alone and had no one to live for. She adopted the boy and started living happily when one day he say her lying on the bed with a note in her hand. The not said, I'm sorry for not being with you. I had a seriouse terminal cancer and wanted to spend my last days happily. I was about to give up on life when you appeareed. That is wen I understood that happiness van be achieved at anytime. You only have to find inner peace. The boy was heart broken. He further read the note as tears were falling from his eyes. Son By the time you read this I will no longer be with you. You have to be strong. I'm very sad that I could not leeave much to you. My family which even didn't bother to care for me would now come to take over my wealth. I know I couldn't do mch. There is an address in the closet beneath my clothes. Go to that place and start living your life. Don't look back as there are many to harm you. The sister was on the verge of crying as she remembered that how he bought her from the black market and treated her like his own. He cared for her and became the light in her life. He then continued saying that some man took him to a villa. The villa belonged to the lady who adopted him. It was standing all high as it was. On the entrance there was an old lady standing. She greeted him and asked him to come inside. They talked as secrets unraveled. She was actually her birth mother. She was that lady's sister as well.!"
