
Sneaking in the dark

"You mean to say…" Zinky was hell surprised by the meaning behind the words.

"Yeah, listen to me…" I talked to him for half an hour.

I sent a message to Yash to meet me soon in my room.

Half an hour later Yash knocked on my door. His room and mine were on different floors but luckily had the same way. Opening the room I pulled him inside and closed the door.

"We need to leave" I hurried him. Giving him a backpack I took a step forward.

"Did you fired up the rebellion to create a diversion for Wosmea lord and his people?" Yash questioned seriously.

"Yup, There is more to come, wanna see? I desperately want the ruler of Wosmea underworld to be changed. If you want then help those rebels, who knows they may help you in return." I chuckled.

Before I had planned out to make Zinky's people to rebel and act fierce so Ricky would stay out of the affair of his own. It was the perfect time to abduct the position of lord of Wosmea underworld.
