

Rui had let the Divine Doctor control the flow of the conversation. It was a simple diplomatic tactic that was often employed when trying to de-escalate the hostility or heat in a conversation. It was a way of implicitly conveying a good faith willingness to cooperate rather than trying domineer in the conversation to potentially earn the distaste of those he was trying to get to cooperate with him.

Of course, he didn't know if it was the optimal approach. Perhaps the Divine Doctor would perceive it as cowardice or lack of confidence, but Rui didn't want to risk it by choosing for an aggressive approach.

"…So, to summarize, you intend to draw the Master-level beast to the other side of the dungeon where you 'survive,' as you put it, to hopefully open up a path for me while the beast is away?"

The Divine Doctor gazed at Rui with fascination.

"That is correct." 

Rui calmly reaffirmed the man's words.

The man closed his eyes.
