
Dangerous beast (3)

The Mercenary Guild guards parted to make way for Team Leader Shen and Master Feng.

After making its first move, the creature had just stood there watching the Mercenary Guild group without making a move.

But after it saw Team Leader Shen and Master Feng stepping forward, it couldn't help making a "ki, ki, ki" sound.

This was the sound that they had heard before, so they could now confirm that it was this creature that had made that sound.

But what they couldn't understand was how this creature had been able to hide itself on the roof without them noticing. Even if it was able to make it onto the roof without making a sound, why didn't they notice it?

As they had been moving forward, the two scouts had made sure to check every part of the cave around them, including the ceiling. So why didn't they notice the creature hiding there until it ambushed them?

But there was no time to think about this as taking care of this creature took priority.
