
Kentaro Sin

Even though Kentaro has a trauma to blood, Kentaro can't bear to see the teenager still looking down while plugging his nose with the hem of the shirt.

Kentaro took a deep breath and ventured back closer to Shino.

"Are you feeling dizzy, Shino?" Kentaro whispered, still wearing a confused face. However, he didn't dare to sit next to Shino yet, because Kentaro was still afraid of blood.

Shino smiled and shook his head slowly. However, his body suddenly felt weak. Good thing he's in the lounger now. So, Shino sank into the chair. Shino put his heavy head on the chair. Meanwhile, his legs were still dangling on the ground.

Kentaro crouched near Shino's limp body who had collapsed onto the park bench.

"What is it?" Kentaro asked again, still with a confused face.

Kentaro didn't know Shino's true condition yet. So, he couldn't act quickly like shouting for help or carrying Shino home for immediate treatment.

And Shino already understood that. Kentaro was only free after being sealed for hundreds of years, surely Kentaro is still often in a daze at this time. So, Shino didn't really expect Kentaro to help Shino at this time.

"I feel a little dizzy, Ken...." Shino whispered weakly. His eyes were already heavy and half closed.

Shino's breath became ragged and ragged. He had been holding back the pain ever since. But apparently, Shino's body couldn't stand the pain any more than this. He had reached his limit.

Kentaro didn't do much. Instead, he sat on the grassy ground, right in front of Shino's limply sleeping body on the long chair.

Kentaro's trembling hand reached out to caress the tip of Shino's head.

"Are you feeling sick, Shino?" Kentaro asked Shino. Kentaro remembered about Sei when he saw Shino. The two of them are indeed very similar, Kentaro thought back.

Shino then held Kentaro's hand, which was on his head. He nodded with a smile.

"I'm not sick, Ken." Shino answered in a weak voice. Shino didn't want Kentaro to know about Shino's illness. Shino didn't want Kentaro to act like Len too in the future.

"May I hug you, Shino?" Kentaro asked quietly, daring himself. Kentaro misses his master, Sei Tatsuya.

Seeing Shino's surprised face, Kentaro knew that the request was very sudden. Kentaro had never acted like that before.

Just now, the one who hugged first was Shino. But now, it was Kentaro who wanted to hug the short teenager very tightly. For some reason, Kentaro wanted it. Kentaro wanted to express his longing for Sei by hugging Shino.

"Of course you can, Ken." Shino answered softly, still breathing heavily.

Shino sat up wobbly and started wrapping her arms around Kentaro, who was standing on his knees at this point.

And that was the hug that Shino had been missing for so long. Even though he had also received a hug from Len, but this time it felt very different when he hugged Kentaro. It's like a feeling of great longing.

His current position was reversed. Kentaro who was hugging Shino's thin belly. And Shino is in charge of giving Kentaro her warmth. Shino embraced Kentaro's stout body, even though his body was so weak.

This was the warmest hug Kentaro had ever felt for hundreds of years. It might also be because Shino's body temperature was rising due to the fever.

Kentaro couldn't help but cry like a child while being hugged like this. He lived lonely all this time because it was sealed in a black box. And that's also because of a misunderstanding.

To be continued ....
